TAROTSCOPES for the week of 04/23/15


There is a cacophony among the planets and stars right now making it difficult to determine which aspects will be most important or influential.  It may depend a great deal on your individual natal astrology.  I discuss the astrological influences more under the Theme and the card for the week, the 7 OF CUPS!  


I am so honored and excited to be doing readings this week at the opening of Earth Tu Face's new EARTHSHIP Apothecary and Shop this Sunday April 26 in Oakland, CA!

ALSO I will be in NEW YORK CITY May 1st- May 6th!  Please email me at: mwtarotscopes@gmail.com to set up an in-person reading. <3

ANNOUNCEMENT:  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today!

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year.  Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


a few fingers of god, also called a yod, two peas in a pod, smile and nod, hot bod, a couple hammers of thor, what's in store, open door, ship to shore, blood and gore, hear them roar, watch them soar, what's it all for, caught in a downpour, can't ignore, earth day, lettuce pray, almost may, go your own way, what do you say, grand trine, read the signs, in the pines, fork tines, long lines, watermelon rinds, thrift store finds, the sun shines, stars above, lots of love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


Every morning at 7:55 am the middle school across the street sounds a recording of a trumpet playing Reveille.  I find myself naturally waking up at around 7:30 am these days, but it is the sound of the trumpet that propels me out of bed.  The other day with my head still pressed to the pillow, I felt a pang of guilt listening to Reveille and thinking about the middle schoolers, already stiff in their uniforms, sitting in plastic chairs, drumming pencils on table tops, waiting for the morning announcements to crackle out of the speakers.  From where I am I can hear these announcements too, but not distinctly.  I can plug any words I want into the sound of the woman’s sentences.  Sometimes I imagine she is reading me my own to-do list for the day.
The card I’ve pulled for all of us this week, the 7 of Cups, is about possibility and choices.  It may be embodied by the disembodied voice I hear every morning following Reveille.  At this point in my life, at this distance, I have to decide what is important, what to prioritize.  In Anne Ortelee’s Weekly Weather podcast she listed off an overwhelming number of astrological configurations forming this week, “4 Yods, 2 Hammers of Thor, 2 Grand Trines, one Star of David,” etc.  What takes priority, or precedence in your life is likely up to you (and also depends on your natal astrology).  Anne Ortelee suggested that this is a week to finish old projects, to wrap things up before you begin anything new.  What items would you plug into your own personal morning announcements?  
In high school I visited a good friend in Colorado.  Her family lived in what I perceived to be a mansion provided by the Japanese embassy her father worked for.  I remember the main hallway was an endless row of identical mauve-colored floor-to-ceiling doors.  I had to count to remember which one was my friend’s bedroom.  At the time of my visit, she hadn’t been living there very long, so even she couldn’t tell me what was behind all of the doors.  My memory of this house feels like a dream and there is a dreamy quality to the 7 of Cups as well.  When presented with so many options which appear, on the surface, quite similar, it is easy to get lost.  Part of the challenge of the 7 of Cups is clearing the fog created by so many options.  Anne Ortelee frequently asks listeners, “What is your dream? Focus on the dream.”  If you aren’t sure what is ultimately important to you, consider what is most important to you right now and move from there.  
In the traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck the 7 of Cups depicts a man standing before a cloud displaying seven cups holding seven different items, each one enticing in its own way, but each also with a warning attached: choose wisely.  The 7 of Cups and the current astrological sky, thick with Taurus (Venus-ruled) planets and planets answering to Venus in Gemini, asks us to move from unconscious desire to conscious desire, from anything could happen to something is going to happen.   
(Viagem Au Fundo De Mim- Rita Lee)


Venus is out of bounds.  What this means literally, in the simplest terms, is that the planet has stepped out of the sun’s orbit/ path.  What this means for us here on earth is erratic behavior particularly in the areas of life Venus represents: love, money, beauty.  Remember the astronaut who wore space diapers to save time driving from Houston to Orlando in order to kidnap her ex-lover’s new girlfriend?  Perhaps Venus was out of bounds that day or maybe Venus was out of bounds in the astronaut’s birth chart, in any case more of these kinds of stories could surface during this time.  In honor of Venus stepping out of her comfort zone this week, I step out of mine and into some mush with the theme…love poems (or parts of them anyway)!  Enjoy!

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.