TAROTSCOPES for the week of 06/11/15

WELCOME WANDERERS OF THE ASTRAL PLAIN! Mercury went direct earlier today and Neptune is currently stationing to go retrograde tomorrow.  I discuss this in more detail under the card for the week THE KNIGHT OF CUPS.  There is a lot of watery Piscean energy in the stars this week, Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Gemini are square to one another and Chiron in Pisces is forming a square with the Sun and Mars.  Astrologer Anne Ortelee said that due to all this Piscean energy, particularly the wound (Chiron in Pisces) we may all be feeling a little like "a motherless child."  There will be a New Moon in Gemini on Tuesday.  This will hopefully be a welcome reset button post Gemini Mercury Retrograde.  All those thoughts you've been chewing on over the Retrograde may now find their place in action.  




ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS AND FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS while I will continue to post the card for the week, your individual Tarotscopes will be on a short 2 week vacation.  If you have purchased a subscription, this brief hiatus will in no way effect your purchase.  Your subscription will be extended an additional two weeks to make up for the absence.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


more god fingers, a feeling that lingers, listening to the freedom singers, real humdingers, letting go, feelings flow, not much to show, wild winds blow, i don't know, all a glow, the boat that you row, hard angles to chiron and neptune, emotional typhoon, wait until next week at noon, you'll feel better soon, look to the moon, sun and mars together, what weather, birds of a feather, boots of leather, month of pride, can't and won't hide, remembering those who've died, free ride, tour guide, rubber glove, stars above, all my love,

                             -- MW

Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


The other day in Los Angeles was the first day in a long time of uncomfortable heat.  I was feeling what a friend of mine calls, “pre-monstral.”  The wealth of feelings surrounding your menstrual cycle are complicated and nuanced which is why it can be so frustrating to have them rolled together, brushed aside and swept under the rug of PMS.  I do it myself if I don’t feel like examining the emotions that surface, but the other day I was acutely aware that what I was trying to mask and protect was a raw vulnerability.  I had my windows down with the radio blasting.  As I approached a stoplight at an intersection Sia’s,“Elastic Heart,” came on which was an almost laughably perfect soundtrack to my situation.  A man with eyes hidden behind reflective sunglasses was standing on the corner next to his bicycle.  He leaned forward and said something to me I couldn’t hear.  His brow was furrowed and he seemed angry.  “What?” I called back reflexively.  He repeated himself leaning towards my window, shouting, his face becoming more creased with anger.  “Don’t shout at me!”  I yelled and rolled up the window which only seemed to make him more enraged.  As I pulled away he was waving his arms and his rant seemed to shift from specific to indiscriminate.  People must have thought he was crazy and he may have been or maybe he was just frustrated and hot.  People often describe women experiencing PMS as “crazy,” but as I said the feelings are more complicated and also more simple- the experience is physically uncomfortable.  I realized as I rolled away from the street corner that I was also wearing mirrored sunglasses so neither of us could see each others eyes, only the reflection of ourselves.   

The Sun and Mars in Gemini have been brushing up against each other and this week, on Friday, they finally slap hands.  When the Sun and Mars meet conflicts like the one described above are not uncommon.  You may have already been experiencing some flare ups (especially if you are hot or on your period).  Some fights may feel unavoidable.  I’m shy to admit it, but in that moment it felt good to yell, like a whistle of steam from my pressure cooker of emotion.  I can’t be certain, but I got the sense that the encounter was somewhat relieving for this man as well.  I’m not suggesting you go pick fights with strangers, but finding appropriate outlets for your frustrations may be a priority this week.  It may be important to reflect on how the people with whom you butt heads (Mars conjunct Sun) this week are showing you your own needs, behavior or buried desires.  Anger often surfaces around an open wound.  It can be almost instinctual like when you try to pull a sticker out of a dogs foot, sometimes they growl or snap.    

This brings us to the Knight of Cups, the card for the week.  The Knight of Cups asks us to remember the vulnerability that often hovers just beneath anger, frustration, a growl or a snap.  I don’t mean to excuse others behavior, but it may be helpful as a way to understand our own.  The Knight of Cups, in many ways is the bravest of the Knights in the tarot because he isn’t afraid of his vulnerability and, therefore, doesn’t rely on any kind of armor.  He uses his emotions as a compass, to show him what is needed or where to go, when to retreat and when to demonstrate compassion.  On Thursday, Mercury goes direct in a square to Neptune, as Neptune prepares to go retrograde the following day.  This is another highly emotionally charged moment with potential for much confusion and miscommunication.  Again, it may be necessary to proceed with the utmost bravery, the Knight of Cups as our guide, swords down, armor aside.  

(Shout It Out- Divine)


June is Pride month.  All queer musicians!  


No plot, no scheme, no theme!