TAROTSCOPES for the week of 03/19/15


I'm reporting from inside the storm this week!  These 'scopes are much later than they've ever been so I will not say much more here as I say most of it under the card for the week...XV THE DEVIL! 


ANNOUNCEMENT:  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today!

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year.  Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


astrological storms blow, take it slow, go with the flow, let the lawn grow, not easily tied in a bow, to and fro, stop and go, friend and foe, watch the under tow, when to say no, boat to row, seeds to sow, better and better every day, something to say, oh hey, sometime in may, eggs to lay, sun ray, go play, without delay, trying a different way, it's going to be okay, oh-kay, riding the waves, exploring caves, saves time, lemon and lime, change on a dime, feeling fine, speaking in rhyme, love, hearts, astrology charts,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


This card has come up several times since I’ve been writing Tarotscopes.  I think its even come up during Eclipse Season before, which makes sense.  The Devil is about taking all the feelings, ideas, concepts, anything that extinguishes or stifles your creativity, generosity, ability to give and receive love etc., to the mattresses.  Well, actually, this card draws attention to those issues, it doesn’t necessarily suggest how to overcome them.  The Devil can show us where the prisons (often internally) are and/or where power is being abused.
I talked about the Uranus-Pluto Square and Saturn stationing to go Retrograde last week and I want to move forward and just talk about the Eclipses because it seems more clean, more organized, easier to deal with.  But it is important to mention them again because we may be feeling the Uranus-Pluto Square for the next few years and the Saturn Station we typically feel for 5 days prior and for 5 days after.  So we may experience Saturn’s transition all the way up until the Eclipse on Thursday night/ Friday morning.  
Because Saturn is considered the planet which presides over time, it can feel like time itself has stopped.  Historically, clocks were stopped at the moment a person passed away, the origins of this tradition are disputed as well as the reasons behind its practice.  One suggestion, was that it allowed mourners to grieve without worrying about how much time had passed or how much time had been spent in mourning.  The other day my brother and I were walking around the lake and one of us mentioned my grandfather who passed away in the fall. “Man, I miss that guy,” my brother sighed.  And it felt like we both took a long breath or pause, either to remember him or to mourn him or both.  Grief isn’t measured in time.  I mention all of this because there is a huge amount of energy this month around change and letting go.  While some of these changes may happen on a specific day or are, in some way, marked in time, the grief you may feel around those shifts or around letting go of the past may not run on any kind of linear time.  Grief typically comes and goes as it pleases.  You may have felt the Saturn Station as time standing still.  I certainly didn’t experience it that way, but that is likely because it came so closely to the final Uranus-Pluto Square, which from the micro to the macro level asked us (and will continue to urge us) to make changes.  With Uranus in Aries as the instigator of these changes (lightening bolt changes, flashes of insight and understanding), we are asked to consider who we are (Aries) and whether or not the structure (Capricorn) of our lives supports or stifles us.  Pluto is the planet of transition and death and rebirth, suggesting that one structure may need to fall or be reassembled in order to create a new one which is more supportive of the individual, of who we really are and what we need.  
When I was visiting the doctor the other day there was a TV in the room and I was watching the news when a nurse came in with some paper work for me to sign.  “Are they on strike at McDonalds?”  She asked me staring at the screen and handing me the clipboard absentmindedly.  “They are protesting working conditions,” I said. “Some people have been burned on the job and McDonald’s hasn’t done anything to prevent it.”  We watched the screen together for a few more seconds and then she sighed and said, “Everyone wants a union.”  I was left wondering what her work environment was like and if she was a member of a nurses union.  I found out later, when my curiosity got the better of me and I looked it up, that the hospital had been accused of union-busting including interrogating individuals about union activity.  Both of these situations are perfect examples of the Uranus-Pluto Square and the Devil card, individuals and specific situations revealing larger structural problems or weaknesses (Uranus-Pluto Square) and the abuse of power by employers (The Devil).
Okay all of this and still we have not discussed the upcoming Eclipse!!  Which, by the time these Tarotscopes get published, will probably be happening in a matter of hours!  This first Solar Eclipse at the very last degree of Pisces has been much talked about among astrologers because it is an ending that echoes.  It is happening at the last degree of the last sign of the zodiac and it happens at the Equinox, as we move from winter to spring, symbolically- death to rebirth.  In her blog, Anne Ortelee wrote, “Eclipse seasons are big departure time periods.  The Sun and Moon link up with the Nodes of Fate and Destiny, inviting us to change our paths and course correct our lives…Time to leave earth, the job, the relationship, or the situation that has outgrown you (or vise versa).”  This Eclipse is in Pisces (a very mature Pisces since it is at the last degree) and Pisces, ruled by the planet Neptune which represents the ocean, the collective unconscious.  We are being asked to make changes on an individual level, but just like the ocean these changes effect the whole.  When you dump something in the water in Alaska or Japan it spreads.  It may be diluted by distance, but it still impacts the ocean as a whole.  When you decide to resist change, against your better judgement, or your true feelings, you do so in an ocean and just like an oil spill or nuclear power plant meltdown we may not know the impact of a decision (conscious or unconscious) until after it is made.  I’ve mentioned this before, but it is worth repeating now, that whenever I sit with a client in a reading I set a silent intention to work with that person to find a sustainable form of happiness and contentment not just because is helpful to the client, but because this client effects the ocean.  When one person feels happy and content they are in a better position to help the people around them.  You may be worried about leaving a job or relationship because of how it will impact your co-workers or your partner, but consider the ocean.  Consider that when you make a conscious decision to stay stuck or imprisoned by something (even if it is just a frame of mind) you also may be choosing to forfeit your happiness and contentment which may, in one way or another impact, if not the whole ocean, the waters in which you swim.  
(Wading In the Water- Ella Jenkins (This is a repeat, but it fits here so nicely, I thought I’d use it again)


It is Women’s History Month!  To celebrate a small portion of our accomplishments and contributions- all Women Artists, all month long! <3


No Theme.  Life is not what it seems.

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.