TAROTSCOPES for the week of 03/26/15


Astrologically speaking, this week is a sort of stain left by shifts that have already occurred and it is also a week full of anticipation of changes heading our way.  I discuss most of this under the card for the week, the 8 OF WANDS so I won’t say much more about it now.  A few planets have shifted signs or are shifting signs- Venus to Taurus and Mercury to Pisces.  Venus, as the ruler of Taurus, feels right at home in this sign, but Mercury in Pisces can be a little like a radio in a bathtub, and it is often easier to convey your feelings in sound, image or art than in concrete words.  We can’t go back so let’s move on!


ANNOUNCEMENT:  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today!

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year.  Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


eclipses are here, nothing to fear, long walk off a short pier, slap on the rear, change in career, what a dear, gluten free beer, look in the mirror, germaine greer, on the path we veer, venus in the sign of the bull, the cup is full, feeling a pull, sea gull, mercury in the sign of the fishes, making wishes, washing dishes, horse tail swishes, feeling the fire, down to the wire, situation not so dire, thoughts inspire, what and whom we admire, higher and higher, frequent flyer, rubber glove, stars above, all my love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


The other night I dreamed everyone was going to Mars.  I was walking along some body of water where several boats were docked.  There were lights on the water and lights in the sky and I tried to figure out which one was the “Red Planet”, Mars.  It was too dark to see anything else, but a voice nearby asked if I was going?  “To Mars?” I asked.  “When it is more affordable.  When it is more affordable, I’d love to go.”  This dream was strangely appropriate given the current astrology and the card for the week.  
We are now firmly in Aries season and Mars is the ruler of Aries, the driving force.  The card for the week, the 8 OF WANDS is a fire card.  It is about initiating many things, an explosion of possibilities.  Each one is begun with the thought of what it could grow up to be.  Like planting seeds, you hold in your imagination (or in your hand, the image on the packet) the potential of the plant the seed could become.  You typically plant more than one seed incase some of them don’t take to the soil.  I chose the seed metaphor because it is spring, but the 8 of Wands is also a card of travel, of destinations.
We are currently sandwiched between two Eclipses, the New Moon Solar Eclipse that happened on March 20th at the final degree of Pisces and the Lunar Eclipse which will take place on April 4th at 14 degrees Libra.  Solar Eclipses typically push change in more concrete, tangible ways and Lunar Eclipses tend to be more emotional, a change of heart or mind.  With some of the literal obstructions in our lives cleared or clearing, we can now think about the emotional barriers that may be holding us back or preventing us from achieving our goals/dreams.  The 8 of Wands asks you to set your destination, or perhaps more than one.  And it asks that you set your target without trying to determine the possibility or impossibility of that dream being realized.  “When it is more affordable, I will travel to Mars,” is a good example of this and even now that I’m awake and no longer dreaming, I feel the same way.  When it is an option and affordable, yes I would like to see Mars.  
As we get closer to the Lunar Eclipse, emotional obstacles may present themselves, providing an opportunity to consciously throw those barriers into the garbage disposal of the Eclipse.  The other day I was giving a tarot lesson to a student.  We were sitting in the park under a tree and I pointed to a playground a little ways off,  “Say you wanted to get to that playground so you could swing on the swings.  If you are afraid you might say, “I can’t get there because there is a giant tree between here and there and the ground is uneven and I might trip etc.”  “But,” I continued.  “If you start walking in that direction and confront those things as they arise, you will arrive at the swings with a sense of accomplishment that probably has more to do with the fears you overcame in the process than actually reaching the swings themselves.”  This week, think about the joy of setting your course.  Allow yourself to be moved and propelled by the joy you feel and worry about the uneven ground you have to tread later when it actually presents itself.  
(Fire- Lizzy Mercier Descloux)


This is sadly, the last week of Women’s History Month!  Many thanks to Nora for her suggestions this month! <3!


I’m playing games with books again this week.  The sun has moved into Aries, the sign of the initiator, of beginnings, of getting things started.  So the theme is the first line from books I’ve selected at random to fit with your tarot card and astrological weather for the week.  It’s amazing how well “random” wears, see for yourselves…

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.