WELCOME BACK TRAVELERS!  There is a part in the movie, An Affair To Remember when Deborah Kerr's character says, "And all I could say was hello."  That is how I feel about the last few weeks.  I don't even know what to say about them.  Is there one word that could soak up all the swampiness and emotion?  For now I turn to the current astrological weather since looking back feels too overwhelming.  Mars is currently facing off with Uranus creating some rather unpleasant conditions.  Possible indications are tension, verbal outbursts, full on fights and even literal explosions.  Uranus stations on Christmas and the Full Moon to go direct after having been retrograde for several months.  We may be feeling the effects of this planet's movement, as it slows to a halt and turns back over the territory it recently traversed, as soon as the 20th of December.  Again, when Uranus is retrograde it tends to function more on an internal level, contributing to epiphanies moving minds over more literal kinds of sudden change.  When it goes direct, we can also expect to see more direct or tangible results, perhaps actions will be taken based on epiphanies that were experienced when the planet was retrograde.  Now on to a more detailed explanation of the current astrological weather based on the card I've pulled for this NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS, the 9 OF SWORDS!  But first...


We are approaching the HOLIDAZE!  As a reminder, Gift Certificates for READINGS are available!  My rates will be going up slightly in the NEW YEAR so consider purchasing a gift certificate before January.  Click on the Readings + Magic tab or email me for more information. 


new moon in fire, tough as a tire, feelings inspire, situation looks dire, frequent flyer, quagmire, feeling shyer, a proud cryer, a sit and sigher, love lifts you higher, letting go, ho ho ho, way down low, the boat that i row, tied in a bow, a friend in tow, the seeds you sew, the things you know, to and fro, a regular pro, caw of the crow, yo yo yo, no more lawns to mow, putting on a show, stars above, push comes to shove, fits like a glove, lots of love,


Without further ado! The card for the NEW MOON, pulled from Amy von Harrington’s deck:


The other day my mother and I were wondering the aisles of new thrift store discovery we had made not far from my parents’ new home in Tucson.  A pop radio station was blasting all of “todays hits” through the speakers which for some reason, coupled with a customer wearing felt reindeer antlers, kicked up the spirit of the holidays more than the jingles of a seasonal radio station would have.  As I was perusing the miscellaneous shelf in “housewares,” lifting an item or two to examine the bottom or top, trying to determine and mentally catalog its recommended use, a woman’s voice interrupted my concentration.  

“How’s your life today?” 

The DJ’s voice shot through a smile and the stores speakers.  The question hung in the air even after she rushed into nervous laughter and the traffic report.  She seemed uncomfortably aware that her question was perhaps too profound for a lazy afternoon on a pop music station.  

I was reminded of the beginning of the podcast, “Serial” when the host, Sarah Koenig, attempted to demonstrate how hard it is to remember a day that seemed like any other day and happened so long ago.  The only reason you would remember the mundane details of a particular day is if something remarkable happened that day, in the case of “Serial,” a murder.  In the case of this moment at the thrift store with my mother, it was a just a question:  How’s your LIFE today?  How is your LIFE…TODAY?  

The New Moon in Sagittarius, exact in the wee hours tomorrow morning, forming a square with Jupiter in Virgo, suggests we reflect on a similar relationship- between the mundane and the profound.  Sagittarius is associated with the quest for meaning and truth.  It is the sign of the philosopher.  A good Sagittarius friend of mine is famous for saying, “But what does it all mean?!”  The events (the ones that made headlines and the ones lining up in my own head) of the past few weeks have brought the present moment more vividly into my awareness.  In a recent text message to the afore mentioned Sagittarius friend I said, “Just taking it all minute by minute.  It’s kind of like eating pistachios.  You break open the moment and put the shells aside when the moment has past.”  “Are the moments fast and addictive?” she asked.  “More slow because I find them hard nuts to crack” I replied.  I can’t seem to skip ahead if I wanted to.  I find myself wondering if I will need to remember this moment later.  “Where were you on Thursday, December 10th, 2015?” Will I be a suspect or a witness?  Maybe the meaning of life could be described as some sort of collection of attentive moments, a pile of pistachio shells.  

Right now I’m in a library waiting for a friend to get out of a meeting on campus at San Diego State.  It’s finals week and the library is packed with students.  I’m here undercover, trying to blend in with a water bottle and a laptop.  Snippets of conversation roll over to me like dropped pencils, “Where do you know that girl from?”  “From Sea World.  She’s from Ireland, she came all the way over here just to work!”  They go in and out of speaking Spanish, my comprehension of which is rough and I only catch a few words.  There is a connective current running through the air here and I remember so easily the feeling, the anxiety that bonded you to your classmates whether or not you had anything else in common.  In college I used to study with these two girls who were old friends from a juvenile detention center.  They thought I was funny because I was such a “good girl” and I could tell they enjoyed trying to shock me with stories of their past.  We all laughed together and breathed deeply when we completed our final exam.  I haven’t seen them since and I hadn’t thought about them in years, until this moment, in a college library listening to people whose lives may also disperse, rolling away from one another. 

Sagittarius is the sign of synchronicity and luck, the way that lives or moments spontaneously aline.  Typically Sagittarius, ruled by the planet Jupiter points to good luck and pleasant surprises, but the chart of this New Moon is full of challenges.  How can we meet these challenges, moment to moment with optimism?  We don’t have to ignore the difficulty, but we would do well to approach the knots from a philosophical perspective.  What does it all mean?  What is important?  What is true?  There is a Buddhist saying, “Real but not true,” which suggests that the emotions we experience around difficulty are real, but do not necessarily point to the truth.  

The card I’ve pulled for this moon is the 9 of Swords a card reflecting typically “negative” emotions such as fear and anxiety.  The 9 of Swords also reminds us that these feelings are real, but not necessarily true.  And that the best way to slay these emotional dragons is simply to meet them one by one as they rear their ghastly heads.  The results of your final exam in Sociology will not likely determine the course of your life, but your fears and anxieties could argue otherwise.  A few weeks ago, during a workshop I participated in, group members were paired up and told to ask their partner repeatedly, “What do you love?”  Many of the participants were collectively alarmed at how simple their individual tastes were.  “I realized how much I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,” one man said.  “And I realized I loved them because they saved my life when I was a kid.”  

In addition to asking very often “what do you love?” perhaps we should also ask ourselves, “how is your life today?” because we know that the answers will likely change and that the question may, at times like these, have a relatively simple answer one which could be both profound and true.  

(Heroes- Blondie)



WELCOME BACK TRAVELERS! We are within hours of the Full Moon in Gemini, culminating at 2:44pm PST on Wednesday the 25th.  This Full Moon is very close to the first of three Neptune/Saturn squares which will unfold over the next year.  I won't say much about this configuration here as I discuss it under the card I've pulled for this moon, The Hanged Man.  And I won't say much about Chiron stationing to go direct because that is also discussed below, but I will give you an early warning that Uranus will be stationing to go direct on Christmas.  Uranus tends to be less volatile when retrograde so when it changes direction sudden changes and eruptions can manifest with palpable results.  


We are approaching the HOLIDAZE!  As a reminder, Gift Certificates for READINGS are available!  My rates will be going up slightly in the NEW YEAR so consider purchasing a gift certificate before January.  Click on the"Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Morgan Rehbock, friend and fellow astrologer, and I will be at the Art Basel doing readings at the Swamp of Sagittarius in the NOVA Bar, a project created by Naomi Fisher and Agatha Wara.  Please contact us at swamp.sagittarius@gmail.com to schedule a financial or art market-related reading if you are planning on attending the fair.


full moon in gemini, nobody can deny, oh hi!, saying good bye, on the sly, feeling shy, asking why, tell me no lies, catching flies, hey guys, the baby cries, sits and sighs, when we are wise, down to size, add fries, fresh baked pies, holiday buys, chiron station, i need a vacation, filled with elation, standing ovation, all across the nation, neptune-saturn square, powerful pair, learning to share, showing you care, first grey hair, rip or tear, it just isn't fair, precious and rare, stars above, peace dove, love love love,


Without further ado! The general card pulled from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


There is a lot of water hanging over our heads this week as the Full Moon culminates at 3 degrees Gemini on Wednesday afternoon.  In Los Angeles, I’ve been running around like I’m caught in a downpour without an umbrella, sprinting from door to car to door and mostly choosing to stay in.  In truth I haven’t seen more than a dewdrop in weeks, but the emotional intensity of events far and near has been overwhelming.  I keep thinking about “Chapter Two- The Pool of Tears” in Alice in Wonderland.  Alice was my first mentor.  Every situation she encountered she regarded with an open inquisitiveness, “Curiouser and curiouser!”  I longed to fall down a rabbit hole and have a real adventure, but over the years I began to see that life itself was that adventure.  If you should find yourself drowning in your own tears look for others who might understand your struggle, Alice reminds us.  With Neptune squaring Saturn and Chiron about to station to go direct it may be important to remember this simple truth that you are not alone in any shade of emotion you may currently be experiencing.  In Alice’s story, it was an eclectic group that shared a common challenge, “They were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled on the bank- the birds with draggled feathers, the animals with their fur clinging close to them, and all dripping wet, cross, and uncomfortable.”  

At the Full Moon you may be feeling “cross and uncomfortable” as you find yourself up to your chin in emotion.  Coming to shore may be less of a goal or a destination as it is a byproduct, a place you suddenly find yourself just when you thought you couldn’t tread water any longer.  This also describes the Hanged Man, the tarot card I’ve pulled for this moon.  Besides Saturn, the Sun and Mercury will all have disputes with Neptune.  The Hanged Man suggests the path through these struggles- surrendering to them.  As I was driving through the desert the other night on my way to my parents’ house I noticed several strange shapes looming like ghouls in a haunted house out of the darkness.  It took me a few miles to realize they were giant saguaro cacti.  Anne Ortelee, in her podcast this week suggested that one of the challenges of the Saturn-Neptune square is paranoia.  Neptune tends to confuse us- “there could be ghouls on the road, why not?”  But it is best to wait, to not rush to respond to our fears or feelings until we know for sure what the shadows really are.  And as we encounter these shadows, the Hanged Man warns us not to waste energy fighting our emotions or holding onto thoughts or ideas which are no longer true for you.  This may be a time of changing your beliefs, of changing your tune.  

One of my favorite things to do in L.A. is to drive around flipping through the stations and waiting for a song on the radio to synch up with my mood.  You may find that you need to flip through your own stations now until you find a song that suits you.  My old tune use to go something like, “I’m independent, I don’t need any help la la la la.”  And that was a good song for a little while and now it’s been overplayed and it just doesn’t resonate anymore with the way I feel now.  The other day my neighbor came to the door and asked if I was going to go to an event.  When I shook my head, she seemed surprised and asked why.  In a moment of raw vulnerability I said, “I’m just feeling so depressed.”  To my surprise she gave me a big hug and told me how sorry she was.  A little while later she texted me from next door and said, “What do you say we do something fun?”  We went for a sunset hike and by the time we got to the peak I had dropped a lot of the heaviness I’d felt earlier in the day.  My new song is still being plunked out and I haven’t found quite the right keys, but it seems there is more room for harmonies.

Watch how you speak or sing to yourself and others now, as you may be feeling at your most vulnerable.  When Alice collided with a mouse in her pool of tears she repelled him at first by telling him about her cat Dinah.  She realized, of course, when he began swimming away that cats were a sore subject for a mouse, “Do come back again, and we won’t talk about cats or dogs either, if you don’t like them!”  He accepted the apology and swam back to her saying, “Let us go to the shore.”  Perhaps we can all get to shore together if we surrender to the ocean of emotion, have our tears and let others have theirs.

(Lift Every Voice And Sing- Ray Charles)  

Hanged man.jpg


WELCOME TRAVELERS! Before we get to the New Moon in Scorpio at 9:48am PST on the 11th and the card I've pulled for that moon- THE STAR!, I want to update you on a few other things of astrological significance.  Venus has moved into Libra!  Virgo is not Venus' favorite place to play as it tends to make her rather critical and nit picky.  In Libra on the other hand Venus feels quite at home and so we here on earth also breathe a sigh of relief and let a little more pleasure into our lives since we are not feeling quite so penny pinching as we may have been when Venus was in Virgo.  Mars will soon join Venus in Libra, a placement which Mars finds somewhat restrictive since balance and fairness must be taken into consideration before jumping to action.  Finally, the Nodes of Fate are switching signs kicking off a new 19 year cycle.  They move from Libra at the North and Aries at the South to Virgo in the North and Pisces at the South.  The North Node in Libra is concerned with peace, love and harmony.  To put it simply -she's a hippie.  The North Node in Virgo takes Libra's message a step further- what can we DO, what services can we provide, how can we help heal a difficult situation after bringing it into balance.   


We are approaching the HOLIDAZE!  As a reminder, Gift Certificates for READINGS are available!  My rates will be going up slightly in the NEW YEAR so consider purchasing a gift certificate before January.  Click on the"Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


new moon of transformation, train leaves the station, use your imagination, strange fascination, virgo/pisces conversation, time of celebration, no hesitation, talk of the nation, a different elevation, venus in the sign of the scales, riding the rails, wind in your sails, bed of nails, holy grails, save the whales, discovering new trails, hot on your tail, check the mail, eating kale, all hail, garden glove, stars above, all my love, 


Without further ado! The general card pulled from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


I change my mind all the time.  Or rather, my mind is changed all the time.  In fact, both are true.  After last moon’s Tarotscopes a dear friend emailed me.  She wrote:  

Your tarotscopes

This is amazing. 

I have a thought. I think u are in a human body but also a cloud. How do u be both at once. How do you move with and through the hustle and bustle while remaining drifting and unaffected and taking pleasure in the sweetness of life. 

I still see u as a traveller.  Of both the astral and the physical plane. Getting moved by the world- allowing the chairs to be drawn out of the way, for paths to be opened up to you by those of sympathetic desire and spirit. Desire to understand magic. Desire to transform the celestial into the intelligible. To communicate.



She often emails me after I publish Tarotscopes to respond, as if we were in mid conversation.  I’m always grateful for her acknowledgement and insights.  Last moon I mentioned the difficulty of being a human body and suggested that growing older was somehow a process of coming down to earth after seeing myself as cloud-like for so many years.  Her response was a reminder that we are not this or that, but this and that, accepting our human challenge, but not abandoning the parts of ourselves which might be called angel, alien or cloud.

This weeks New Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of transformation, of intimacy, of sex, of death, alchemy and all the things we don’t talk about or tend to sweep under the rug.  The North Node of Fate takes up residence in the sign of Virgo just after this New Moon.  Mars stands shoulder to shoulder with the Node, igniting and empowering Virgo themes such as service and healing.  Of all the Scorpio themes which tend to surface during this season, I’ve found myself thinking most about intimacy.  Many of the celestial conversations of the last few months have centered around connection and partnership.  The planets asked us to listen, to pay attention to and communicate with the people with whom we’ve chosen to partner, romantically and otherwise.  As we moved into Scorpio season recently, we crossed the threshold from mere partnership into the depths beyond a handshake and acknowledgment, beyond, “I hear you”, to “I see you, I feel you, I know you.”  Mars and the North Node form a loose sextile with the Moon as it conjuncts the Sun, suggesting that the Virgo themes and goals are in agreement with the Scorpio ones.  Intimacy heals and serves.  

“Have you ever been with an animal as they are dying?”  my friend Nancy said once in an interview a few years back.  “They hold your gaze, they look directly into your eyes until they are gone.”  One of the things that struck me about what she said was how quickly the situation moved from intimate connection to disconnection as the animal took its last breath.  It only asked for her eyes for a moment, it’s final moment.  This exemplifies the Scorpio/ Virgo connection/conversation.  Virgo representing a moment, the present moment and Scorpio the intensity and intimacy of that moment.  

As I was thinking about intimacy this week I thought about the old saying “eyes are the window to the soul.”  When I’m giving a reading I’ve noticed that many of my clients try to make very deliberate eye contact at the onset of the reading.  My understanding of this gesture is that people often think that what I’m reading will be found primarily in their eyes.  They are perhaps trying to allow me to peep through “the window into their soul” which is very generous, but often what I find gathering in a person’s eyes is not necessarily what I would define as the person’s “soul,” but an intensity and depth of emotion.  Emotion is helpful information, but it is not the whole picture.  For example, if a person’s eyes convey worry or panic, but cards and intuition convey a sense of calm, I feel compelled and called on to respond to both- to acknowledge the emotion, but also to communicate what I am both reading and intuiting.  I find and believe that most people exist between human and cloud/angel/alien, saturated with feeling but capable of also seeing a bigger picture.  How do we be both at once?  How do we zoom in and out without getting stuck in one form or the other? 

The card I’ve selected for this New Moon in Scorpio is The Star.  In the traditional Raider-Waite deck The Star card depicts a naked woman crouched beneath a night sky, one star in particular is bigger and brighter than all the rest.  In a sense both the woman and the star are one.  They are also in conversation.  The star seems to twinkle humorously, “You can’t see what I see.”  The Star represents hope, the light at the end of the tunnel.  When we can’t see the road up ahead we are often compelled to communicate with faith and hope, with our star.  “Maybe it’s all going to be okay?” Our naked, vulnerable human-self suggests without certainty.  “It’s all going to be okay,” the Star, our hope, replies. 

And in-between the dream, the hope and our current position, is this Scorpio New Moon.  A Scorpio New Moon with a Virgo emphasis, suggesting that in the meantime, where we live most of the time, we can dedicate ourselves to the present moment and to each other.  Scorpios themes of death, sex (orgasm to be specific), profound change, are often fleeting and Virgos themes of healing and service are often small in scope or gesture, but each theme’s impact is undeniably profound.  Of all the people who attended my grandfather’s funeral, it was the presence of a waitress from Red Lobster and the owner of the nail salon where my grandfather got his regular pedicures that touched me the most.  They saw him as special in the context of the mundane.  As my friend suggests, we are each travelers of both the astral and physical plane, our paths through life have both a high and low note, a star and a body.   

(Eyes- Clio)


WELCOME WANDERERS AND HAPPY HALLOWEEN, SAMHAIN AND DAY OF THE DEAD! I apologize for the delay it has been a busy couple weeks since we last met under the new moon.  The Full (Super) Moon in Taurus was exact in the wee hours this morning (Tuesday 10/27), but it should still appear very full tonight and it was quite spectacular last night as well.  In addition to what I will discuss in more detail under the 5 OF CUPS (the card I've pulled for this moon), Sunday saw the meeting of Venus in Jupiter and Mars within spitting distance of the two.  This is was a rather odd meeting because Venus is considered in its "fall" in Virgo and Jupiter is in its "detriment" which is kind of like the two planets are wearing really awkward, perhaps unflattering, halloween costumes.  Even still the two planets shine very brightly when they are together and the meeting is generally happy and expansive of things like love and abundance, although perhaps more constricted than when the two have met in other signs.  This was the third time these planets have met.  Emily Trinkaus did a lovely job of describing this in her blog, Virgo Magic, but to reiterate-  Think back to the kinds of things you were dealing with July 1st and than again on August 4 because October 25 was the close of that conversation, the part where you said, Yours Sincerely, So and so. 

Finally- This is one of my favorite times of the year!  Largely because, as they say, "the veil" between the living and the dead is thin.  In my imagination it's like we are now speaking to those we've lost through a screen door.  Wishing all of you, in this world and the next, a very Happy Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead!  


A Q and A I did with Girls Like Us is now out in their latest issue #7 (a favorite number of mine)!

Also last week I was excited and honored to be included in a lovely Halloween event at the EARTHSHIP in Oakland.  If you haven't been I highly recommend a visit.  This store is curated and operated by EARTH TU FACE my favorite skin care company which makes entirely natural products (you could eat many of the them) and run by dedicated herbalists and stewards of the Earth!   

We are approaching the HOLIDAZE!  As a reminder, Gift Certificates for READINGS are available!  My rates will be going up slightly in the NEW YEAR so consider purchasing a gift certificate before January.  Click on the"Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


samhain, twilight din, pumpkin grin, hat pin, shark fin, next of kin, everyone wins, trip to the bins, last super moon of 2015, what a scene, don't be mean, into yourself lean, treasures to glean, corners to clean, a different sheen, happy halloween!, moon beam, work as a team, not what it seems, jotting down your dreams, day of the dead, repeat what you said, to paths we were led, blood red, dust off the sled, old skin shed, stars above, love love love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


“I’m pretty sure most of my friends are angels or aliens or some combination of the two,” I said to some friends the other day.  We’d been talking about how difficult it is, at times, to be here, on the planet, to be a body.  When I was a kid I thought I was a cloud or I wanted to grow up to be one.  Clouds could just be.  They didn’t have to double-knot their shoes or unknot the tangles from their hair.  They could just float and watch the hustle bustle without being pushed or pressured by anything more than a wind.  I’m not terribly old as old goes, but I’ve still observed in the handful of years I’ve occupied on the planet that the older I get the more aware of my body I become.  If I was born a cloud, I think my feet are, by now, at the very least, scraping the ground.  The Full Moon in Taurus, the last Super Moon of the year, suggests we tune into our power as people, as bodies on the planet.  If we were once angels, aliens or clouds, it may be important to acknowledge that we are now very much human flesh and human blood. 

In my cloud-like life I found it very difficult to push in a chair or move objects to make room for myself.  It made more sense to me that if I wanted to cross a room I should go around the objects that obstructed my path.  This of course makes the distance between two points longer and more treacherous.  As I’ve solidified into my adulthood I find it easier to move objects around, placing them where they are less cumbersome or just more aesthetically pleasing.  

At the Full Moon in Taurus, Chiron, currently in Pisces, will be opposing Venus, Taurus’ ruling planet.  The energy around Full Moons is releasing and with Chiron present, opposing Venus in Virgo, old wounds or ways of holding ourselves or a situation may be felt as something tangible in the body or symbolically in the objects or structures around us.  Your body has something to say.  The most consistent message which will likely come through in some physical form (Taurus) is a need to make a change, to break with an old pattern or cycle (Scorpio).  

I’ve struggled most of my life with digestive problems.  Recently I started a regime which seems to be helping with some of those issues.  When I first began the diet and had to give up things like chocolate, sugar and grains I thought dramatically in Shakespearian English, “There shall be no joy in my life!”  But since I’ve accepted the challenge I’ve found the exact opposite to be true.  I feel like I’m having conversations with foods I’ve known my whole life but never really understood.  I was too busy being a cloud and now that I’ve accepted my human challenge I can really enjoy myself and my food.  

The 5 of Cups, the card I’ve pulled for this Full Moon, is about disappointment, the moment of understanding that your current situation or relationship isn’t accommodating you or who you want to be or become.  Both the Full Moon and the 5 of Cups reminds us not to fear the changes we know on a deep (perhaps even bodily level) we need to make in order to come home to our bodies and ourselves.  Put your hand on your heart and feel your way through the next big transition. 

(Be A Body- Grimes)


WELCOME BACK RIDERS OF THE ASTRAL STORM! It has been quite a show! And now Eclipse Season is brought to a close with a New Moon in Libra on the evening (PST) of the 12th.  I will discuss that in more detail under the card I've pulled for this moon- THE TOWER!  Today (Friday) Mercury goes direct!  Mercury has been retrograde in Libra, an air sign indicating that the difficulties likely popped up in conversation and around relationships.  During the retrograde I re-watched some of my favorite British period pieces and one line which seemed to pair well with the confusion of the season stuck in my head, "Nay, I insist on knowing your meaning sir!"  Hopefully, I can now retire that line for a while as Mercury goes direct...on the North Node of Fate! Big news may surface both in the news and in your life.  And finally before we move on to the TOWER Venus finally cleared her retrograde shadow at 0 degrees Virgo and we are now covering new romantic and creative territory.  Whew!


A Q and A I did with Girls Like Us is now out in their latest issue #7 (a favorite number of mine)!

Gift Certificates for READINGS available!  Click on the"Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


new moon in air, quite a pair, ones own flare, short hair, what is fair, knowing you are rare, show you care, this life with whom you share, sailing ships, shake your hips, extra tips, taking sips, paper clips, a thread that rips, no more back flips, or loose lips, uranus features, strange creatures, good teachers, top of the bleachers, out reaches, a tub of leeches, a last trip to the beaches, peace doves, leather gloves, stars above, love love love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


I’ve been thinking and talking a lot about ships lately, in particular the relation-ship, which may be more of a canoe in terms of its sensitivity to change and weight distribution.  From an astrological perspective these conversations are no accident.  The recent Eclipse at 4 degrees Aries opposite the Sun in Libra was also concerned with “we” and where to put the “me” and the “you” and whether to dot the “i”.  Next up is the New Moon in Libra, which I’ve been calling the “closing ceremony” to Eclipse Season.  This is not entirely accurate since the effects of the Eclipses may be felt for the next 6 months, but thinking of of the New Moon this way makes me feel more friendly towards it and all of the storms of change that seem to have preceded it during this Eclipse Season.  

The New Moon in Libra is also very much concerned with the relation-ship.  Sometimes we board a relation-ship (canoe) consciously or unconsciously aware that the other person has a tendency to periodically stand up and wave their arms.  When this happens you may find that your response is to either sit very still or shift from side to side slightly to prevent the boat from capsizing.  If this continues and becomes a pattern, you may find that when faced with an Eclipse (like the one we recently experienced), which often brings these patterns to consciousness, that you either have to jump ship or renegotiate.  “When do I get to rock the boat?”  The New Moon in Libra is an excellent time to reestablish patterns which will allow for smoother sailing and the ability to weather the kind of inevitable storms which are beyond our control.  

Because I’ve been talking to so many people who seem to be at a breaking point in their relationship or who have been stepping on a crack, I decided to ask my mother, who has been on board a relation-ship with my father for almost 45 years, what she thought prevented either party from jettisoning after all these years.  She offered three suggestions:  “One thing I would say, which also comes from observing relationships in different cultures is that you don’t enter into a relationship alone.  It’s not just you and the other person, it’s their community and yours, your family and theirs- you have support.  And then what I can say about your dad and I, is that we’ve always wanted the best for each other.”  And the third ingredient which she suggested provides some sort of adhesive to the relationship is, “Being able to take care of ourselves individually as well.  There were limits to the support we could provide one another.  There were somethings we had to take care of within ourselves.”  

As someone who is queer, this first suggestion that two people don’t enter into a relationship alone felt somewhat foreign to me since most queer relationships don’t easily find support from either family or community.  Even so, I understood what my mother seemed to be saying- a relationship which thrives best in a vacuum can’t easily survive.

Wanting the best for each other.  This is something that makes sense whether the relation-ship you are sailing is a friendship, familial or something more intimate.  The other day, feeling rather disgruntled and in the midst of running errands I pulled up to an intersection where a stranger holding a sign requesting money approached my window.  “I’m so sorry,”  I said.  “I don’t have any money today.”  He was holding one of his eyes kind of scrunched shut, but he looked at me with the remaining open one and smiled, “That’s okay,” he said warmly, “you’re still beautiful.”  I was startled by the compliment since he offered it so freely to an empty hand.  

Finally, when sailing the relation-ship, there will always be points at which you or your sailing partner has go into the castle alone to battle your or their demons.  My go to visual for this moment is a scene from the movie Labyrinth where Sarah leaves her muppet friends at the castle door to confront the goblin king.  “I have to face him alone,” she says.  “But why?” The dog muppet riding the dog muppet asks.  “Because that’s the way it’s done,” she replies.  “Well if that is the way it is done then that is the way you must do it, but should you need us…”  he says.  “Yes,” her goblin friend agrees,”should you need us…”  “I’ll call,” she says.  Which seems to me to be one of the most compelling arguments for relationships of various kinds.  There will always be things you simply have to do alone, but it is also important to know who your muppets are- the ones you can call on for support and the ones you can offer support in return.

The card I’ve pulled for this New Moon is The Tower.  The Tower doesn’t really code or conceal its message- “Change,” it says.  Whether you interpret that as a command or just a confirmation is up to you.  The Tower simply reminds us that change is inevitable and, in the case of this moon, it seems to indicate that while one person may rock the boat in a relationship both people must move to either accommodate the sudden movement or decide it is time to jump ship.  Libra is the sign of the balancing scales and like the tower anything you add to one side or the other will change the whole structure.  Whenever I pull The Tower card for a client in a reading their reaction is typically, “Uh oh.”  But I always welcome The Tower with applause, “A change! How exciting!”  The dread that most people experience around change, I find, seems to be because they think that change is something that is happening TO them rather than WITH them.  I encourage you at this New Moon in Libra to think about the changes you want and need to make so that you and your shipmates have the freedom to stand up and wave your arms, but also acknowledge that when you do, everyone on board must accommodate the movement.  

(Ain't No Wheels On This Ship- Patsy Cline)


WELCOME BACK NAVIGATORS!  We approach the second and final Eclipse of the season, I will discuss the specifics more under the card I pulled, the 9 of Wands, but it is also worth noting that Pluto is direct as of today (Sept 24).  Secrets may be revealed as well as imbalances of power.  It is officially FALL- dry leaves, campfires, and pencil shavings!  Additionally, we are in the throws of the Mercury Retrograde in Libra.  Communications, particularly person to person, may be going a little haywire.  Remember to ask for clarification before you ascend the escalator from discussion to full fledged fight.  <3 !


Gift Certificates for READINGS available!  Click on the"Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


lunar eclipse in the sign of the ram, wham bam!, on the lam, what a ham, finger in the dam, old uncle sam, in a jam, season of the yam, ride on the tram, spic and span, hey man, your biggest fan, i think i can, summer's tan, hot pan, lend a hand, feet on land, head in the sand, what the critics panned, love alive, nose dive, beehive, i will survive, stars above, love love love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


Ouch!  The past few days have felt like rug burn.  Have you felt something similar?  This is a tender time for all of us held to this tiny rock known as Planet Earth.  A lot may be shifting in our individual and collective awareness as we approach the Lunar Eclipse in Aries this Sunday night.  For those of us in North America the Eclipse will be visible and quite spectacular, as Eclipses often are.   

The Moon will be in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra, indicating that the main topic of conversation surrounding this Eclipse is self and other, me and us.  The Eclipse occurs just an arms length (a few degrees) from the south node of fate which will be on the World Axis (0 degrees Aries, 0 degrees Libra).  This means we can expect the effects of this Eclipse to be apparent in world events/ politics as well on a more personal level.  Additionally, the Eclipse forms a trine with Saturn now in Sagittarius, indicating that the release, which Eclipses often facilitate, may be experienced as deep, fated and likely beyond our control, endings and beginnings that simply must come.  We may be reminded in one way or another of the gift that is our life, and the many gifts that others contribute to that life just by being present in it.  

Lately, I’ve found it uncharacteristically difficult to access a sense of appreciation.  I’ve been down in the doldrums where everything is the color of smog and tastes like spent gum.   “Blah, blah, blah, nothing matters,” seems to be the tune of late. Generally, my sense of appreciation is inspired by a sense of individuality or specialness, but this stale wash has made it difficult to find the sparks within the landscape of life.  Then I heard an interview on the radio with a former nun who put things in perspective with a few resonate words.  She told the interviewer that she had been called into the religious life by a deep and overwhelming love and she wanted to put her love to work in the world.  Something she said in the interview about what she has come to understand about people and life seemed to reverberate and resonate with the themes of the Eclipse.  Many formed of spirituality and religion emphasize a connection between everyone and everything.  Neptune, the planetary ruler of Pisces and the plant associated with religion also emphasizes this sense of connection.  At the eclipse in Aries, Mars (Aries’ ruler) will be in Virgo- once again emphasizing the Jupiter/ Neptune opposition.  Reflecting the Neptunian theme of connection, but adding in the Virgo sense of precision the former nun told the interviewer that between each of us is distinction not division.

My friend Amy has a collection of sunglasses that allow you to see the world through different colored lenses.  Each pair corresponds to a different chakra.  If there were similar astrological glasses, we could put on the Virgo glasses and have an opportunity to see and appreciate the individual, bumps, bruises, the signature snaggletooth, the minutiae and the specialness that makes each person, planet, animal and object distinctive.  If we put on the Pisces glasses we could return to an understanding of our interconnectedness, of the ocean we are all a part of where our individual breath links arms with the air and becomes one with the breath of others.  

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”  I remember hearing this quote for the first time and liking it.  It felt like a few melodic notes in a song- a song that went flat when I found out the words were first spoken by John F. Kennedy- "a boring old white dude"- I thought at the time.  Even so, lately I’ve found myself thinking about the significance of this quote on a smaller scale. 

I was listening to an old episode of Storycorps and one of the stories was about a man in New York who had been mugged.  He worked as a school teacher and as he was getting off the train after work, a young man held him up demanding his wallet.  The teacher handed him the wallet and then proceeded to take off his jacket as well.  “What are you doing?” the young man asked.  “I’m giving you my jacket,” the school teacher said.  He figured if the man was desperate enough to hold him up for a wallet, which didn’t even have very much cash in it, that he must also be in need of a jacket and food for that matter.  The teacher invited the young man to join him for dinner at a restaurant and at the end of the meal said, “I guess you’re buying since you have my wallet.”  

It’s easy in conflict or in a difficult situation to see ourselves as somehow in opposition to a person who is for example, stealing your wallet.  But the teacher in this story chose instantly to make a compassionate connection with his attacker instead.  At this Eclipse it would be helpful to adopt a similar frame of mind.  How can you be generous and compassionate (Virgo/Pisces) towards another (Libra) in a way that is also generous to yourself (Aries)?  Knowing that we are all connected (Pisces) and yet distinctive (Virgo) how can you act (Aries) in a way that is reflective of this understanding?  

The card I’ve pulled for this Eclipse is the 9 of Wands.  It reflects the tenderness and vulnerability I mentioned above, which we may all be experiencing at this Eclipse and in the weeks following.  But the 9 of Wands also serves as a reminder of the strength and courage that is available to us, even and perhaps especially when we are at our most vulnerable.  

(Love's In Need- Blackstreet)


WELCOME TRAVELERS ABOARD THE ASTRAL PLANE! We have officially entered Eclipse season!  Saturday late (PST) or Sunday in the wee hours (EST) will feature the first, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in VIRGO.  I will discuss this Eclipse in more detail below under the card I pulled, THE HERMIT, but additionally I would like to mention a few other astrological weather changes.  Venus is now direct as of September 6th.  She is, however, still traipsing back over the territory she covered when she was retrograde.  For this reason you may find you are still dealing with some of the issues that surfaced during the retrograde particularly around money, love, or creativity (or fashion- fashion week!), but hopefully with a little more clarity about how to proceed in these matters.  

Mercury goes Retrograde on the 17th of this month as Saturn once again enters Sagittarius.  Mercury will journey back to the same degree of the North Node of Fate (0 degrees Libra) before going direct.  With Saturn on one end and the Nodes of Fate on the other, we can expect this to be a particularly potent and profound Mercury Retrograde journey.  Watch what surfaces in particular around relationships.  There is an emphasis on spiritual evolution.  Astrologer, Daniel Fiverson provided a simple, but apt definition of "Soul mates" in a recent article on the Venus/ Mars conjunctions:  "Two souls who have a contract to grow together spiritually."  

Pluto goes direct on September 24th.  When Pluto is direct it is often easier to shed light on incidents where individuals and structures of power have abused their power.  Hopefully, with the North Node of Fate in Libra, a sense of fairness will prevail and justice will be served.    

Finally, and I apologize if I've left anything out, there will be a second Eclipse, this time a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Libra on the 27th.  I will discuss this Eclipse in more detail as the date approaches.


I will be doing readings at Folklore Salon in Los Angeles from 4-7 on Sunday the 20th of September.  Hope to see you there! 

Gift Certificates for READINGS available!  Click on the"Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


solar eclipse, doing flips, stiff upper lips, taking sips, sailing ships, hair clips, shake your hips, the sign of the "virgin", win win, a toothy grin, made of tin, a quiet din, embracing sin, dorsal fin, marked with a pin, loretta lynn, the perfect hymn, filled to the brim, when all looks grim, in the ocean swim, out on a limb, the canyon rim, excess to trim, when the light is dim, on a whim, stars above, lots of love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


This past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine featured an article entitled, “Dazzled,” which offered a definition of “shiny objects” in the political arena as issues politicians direct the media and public’s attention towards in order to distract us from asking the really important questions.  For example, how are the candidates planning on serving the populace?  This is a very Virgoan question befitting the Virgo New Moon Solar Eclipse on Saturday night/ Sunday early (depending on your time zone).  An eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, completely or partially (in this case) blocking the Sun from the Earth’s view.  Astrologers often liken this to someone flicking a light switch to get your attention or even a momentary power outage.  When you are made to stand in the dark you suddenly have to ask yourself- “what was I doing?”, “where was I standing?” and “where was everything else in relation to me?”  Eclipses bring us to consciousness.  When the light that rendered an object shiny is out, we have to remember what we really care about, what the truly important questions are.  

The card I’ve pulled for this Eclipse is the Hermit, which is, in fact, the card most closely associated with the sign of Virgo.  The Hermit, like Virgo is a symbol of dedication and devotion, typically to one’s craft and/or path.  The Eclipse forms a quincunx or inconjunct aspect to Uranus which means that the changes we encounter surrounding this Eclipse may come out of left field or they may appear to conflict with the things you are trying accomplish.  However, you may find that what you’d been dedicating yourself to was perhaps the shiny object.  Watch for something new to surface over the next 6 months, something which may feel like more of a calling or carry a deeper spiritual significance.  You don’t have to become a nun or join the clergy, but consider how the things you devote your energies to echo or resonate with your core- do they pluck the string that connects you to earth below and the stars above?  

I worked in food service for over six years.  I knew that this work wasn’t my “calling,” but I needed the money and I didn’t know what else I wanted to do.  After a while my sense of identity began to feel trapped under my job description.  I remember at one point giving myself a pep talk.  I had been ruffled because as we were closing up the coffee shop where we worked, a co-worker said, “You better let me sweep.  We all know that isn’t your strong suit.”  Her comment bothered me all the way home.  Why should I care if I’m considered a “good sweeper” I wondered.  I came to this conclusion:  Whatever I do, I want to do well.  I want to dedicate myself to the moment, even if it is just washing a dish or sweeping the floor.  I didn’t know, at that point, “what I wanted to do with my life,”  but I did know how I wanted to live my life and that was something I could dedicate myself to.  

A sense of presence, devoting oneself to the present moment, is something you have to come back to all the time.  I’m sure even Buddhist monks with a regular meditation practice, have to occasionally remind themselves to pay attention.  At the Eclipse consider how you want to live your life.  When you dedicate yourself to the moment, it often becomes clear what you want to change.  The other day my mom sent my brother and I a quote from the writer Annie Dillard which seems to encompass these sentiments: 

    “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.  What we do with this hour,     and that one, is what we are doing.  A schedule defends from chaos and whim.  It is a net for     catching days…A schedule is a mock-up of reason and order- willed, faked, and so brought     into being; it is a peace and a haven set into the wreck of time; it is a lifeboat on which you find     yourself, decades later, still living.”  


WELCOME BACK NAVIGATORS!  I've actually never been on a roller coaster (life is enough of one for me), but lately I've found it easy to picture myself at the top, the peak right before the whole snake-train plummets back down to sea level.  Saturn in Scorpio is nearing its last breath for 29 years, while Venus makes plans to go direct on September 6th.  All this and a Full Super Moon in Pisces (which I discuss in more detail under the card I pulled, the ACE OF PENTACLES).  Now is the time to clear, clean and organize in preparation for...well, you may not know what, and that is okay.  Enjoy the relief of the release.  


ATTENTION ALL READERS Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.   And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the"Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


pisces super full moon, PST- around about noon, call of the loon, pop of the balloon, see you soon, sing a new tune, fingers prune, jupiter and neptune across the room, let go of the gloom, no more doom, give it the broom, hands of the clock zoom, summer fumes, autumn looms, last of the blooms, dirt under your feet, where you seat, may we meet, how neat, all the deets, ironed pleats, clean sheets, the taste of beets, stars above, love love love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


The focus of Full Moons, as I’ve mentioned in other posts, is on release.  Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and so this Super Full Moon in the sign of Pisces ushers anything you’ve been holding on to or resisting letting go of, towards the exit with both hands.  Pisces represents the unconscious, the things we absently sweep into the corners of our mind which may only resurface during REM sleep in the form of dreams.  This moon rubs shoulders with Neptune, Pisces planetary ruler as well as the ruler of the sea.  The heightened sensitivity often associated with Pisces has to do with the ocean, with being able to perceive changes in an environment on a subtle level.  Underwater, even with your eyes closed, you can feel the subtle movements of fish, or debris or other bodies around you whether or not they actually brush your skin.  The water communicates movement and change.  In Pisces, as in water, we understand more easily how everything is connected, we are all swimming in the same soup.  At the Full Moon with Neptune close by, we may all be feeling more sensitive.  Be weary of a tendency to project your discomfort or pain onto others.  Pisces asks us to consider and understand that on a fundamental level your pain is already shared, no need to literally dole it out to others.  

Another opportunity presented by this moon, beyond release, is the ability to reconnect with the Earth, with your place on the planet.  The Sun, opposite the Moon, will be just a few degrees away from Jupiter, both in Virgo.  Virgo deals with the micro, while Jupiter prefers the macro.  With Jupiter as Virgo’s house guest we have the opportunity to expand our understanding of both our impact on and connection to the Earth in small ways.  My grandparents moved to a duplex that backed up onto a small pond when I was 7 or 8.  Once, while walking along the water, I saw a goose being strangled by a plastic 6-pack ring.  I’d heard that this could happen, but I’d never seen it.  I imagined that someone had thoughtlessly thrown the rings over their shoulder more intent on consuming the beverages than worrying about what would become of the remnants.  The Ace of Pentacles, echoes the Virgo/Pisces axis and polarity, both the Ace of Pentacles and Virgo are associated with the element of earth.  The Ace of Pentacles is about the seed and the egg, the exciting potential of what could be perceived minutiae, as well as the inherent beauty of these solitary forms independent of their potential.  

The shadow of Pisces is depression and loneliness, a feeling that nothing matters.  The Ace of Pentacles provides an anchor as the antidote to these potential feelings of loneliness, isolation or depression by directing our attention toward appreciation of the minutiae, of the smallest thing.  My grandfather, the one who lived on the afore mentioned pond, wrote an essay once called “You Matter.”  In it he suggests that we all matter as individuals because we ARE matter and a part of this Earth and planet, we are egg and seed.  By this token everything we do, for better or for worse, matters.  The choices we make, the trash we throw away all carry potential too.  

Letting go sounds deceptively simple, but anyone who has ever attempted it knows what an impossible task it can be.  This Full Moon is a good time to consciously compost whatever you no longer need or want to keep.  One of the many gifts of Pisces, is a powerful imagination, consider imagining that whatever you are letting go of (Pisces) is being transformed into something useful (Virgo).  Maybe the anxiety weighing on your shoulders lifts into a cloud and then rains down on all the places suffering from drought.  Maybe your anger or frustrations are a new kind of clean burning fuel.  Maybe you open up your loneliness just in time for winter as a cave sanctuary for a community of hibernating bears.  

(John Lilly- Laurie Anderson )


WELCOME NAVIGATORS!  The astrological weather of late has been rather dizzying.  I hope you have all been able to keep your eyes on the horizon as we ride the last waves of Saturn in Scorpio and the Venus retrograde.  In addition to what is discussed below under the card for this New Moon, THE CHARIOT, Jupiter has moved into Virgo for the year.  The planet is not particularly comfortable in this position.  Jupiter is more interested in the forest than the trees and Virgo's tendency is to make careful observations of the bug on the branch.  Where ever Jupiter goes it expands things and encourages growth so what we may experience is a greater focus on work (Virgo).  The Astrotwins brought up a good point about Jupiter's stay in Virgo in their post on the subject, which is that there may be more emphasis on practicing what you preach, actually DOING the work and not just spouting it.  In the tarot, the card associated with Virgo is the IX Hermit.  The Hermit is dedicated to their practice.  This may be a year to dedicate yourself to some practice in which you may have only dabbled in the past.


ATTENTION ALL READERS Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.   And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


new moon in leo, 9 to 5 cleo, o sole mio, swim in the rio, pio pio pio, turn down your brain, heart strain, of my existence the bane, go against the grain, listen to the rain, eases the pain, loss and gain, mary jane, right lane, don't be tame, give it a name, not all the same, j'taime, your heart knows the way, what did it say, listen everyday, oh hey, shout yay, let's play, stars above, love love love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


I remember quite distinctly being a kid lost in a forest of adult legs, struggling to discern which belonged to my mother.  Had she been wearing black pants or navy blue?  Were they cotton or wool?  More than once I wrapped myself around a foreign leg.  When Venus pivoted on 0 degrees Virgo on July 25th, one of the things the planet recommended we do was get more specific about our desires, to define them.  What exactly is missing from your life?  In which areas are you feeling an imbalance?  Virgo is the sign of service, while Leo presides over the individual and the ego.  When Venus turned back to Leo from Virgo she seemed to say, “And now back to you.”

The Full Moon in Aquarius asked us to see ourselves within the context of the collective, to understand ourselves through our friendships or communities and to, perhaps, unsubscribe or distance ourselves from those organizations, relationships or associations which no longer accurately reflect our current beliefs or principals.  The New Moon in Leo is the other side of this conversation and asks- what, based on our authentic desires, do we want to grow from our hearts?  Venus empowers this conversation beginning her new 8 year cycle on Saturday, the day after the New Moon in Leo.  Venus begins this cycle in Leo and from a point closest to earth in her orbit.  Anne Ortelee has stressed in her weekly radio show that this indicates a need for us all to make decisions straight from the heart.  

It sounds relatively simple, but there are all sorts of things that make it difficult to hear what our heart wants to say or how it wants to say it.  For example most people have a need and a desire to express themselves creatively and this has been a big theme of Venus’s extended stay in Leo.  How do you want to be creative and what do you want to create?  Everyone has a different set of obstructions to decode, unlock or address in order to get to the heart of the matter, your heart of your matter.  How you were raised, your personality, your life experiences may all be contributing factors in the creation of these blockages, but also in your ability to dismantle them.  

Sometimes the ego makes recommendations, persuading the heart to accept what the ego wants as the heart’s desire.  “I want to be rich and famous,” for example could be considered an ego desire, but buried beneath this sentiment is something more authentic- a desire to feel safe, to feel secure, a desire to be free of worry, a desire for recognition, a desire to be competent or proficient in some area, a desire for human connection etc. 

The other debris that often obscures our heart’s path or expression is mental clutter- the mind silencing the heart.  Our culture often teaches us that we all desire the same things or that we all should desire the same things.  In this case, we may be afraid to acknowledge certain desires based on some dogma or principal we’ve been taught that says that it is not acceptable to want something which might separate you from your family or your friends or your community.  

The card I’ve pulled for this New Moon in Leo is The Chariot.  The Chariot is about accomplishment.  The Chariot asks, “How do I succeed?  How do I win?”  Your heart knows the most direct path to your goals and your heart knows what those goals ultimately are.  Because at this New Moon we are also finishing one Venus cycle and beginning another, it may be important to spend some quality time with your heart.  In more than one adventure movie or fairytale, there is a point at which the hero has to enter the castle alone, has to fight the last dragon or evil emperor alone.  Has your fire breathing ego been charing your real dreams?  Is the thunderous echo of a parent or teacher who once told you you would never be this or that muddling your song?  At the New Moon allow yourself to wish for what your heart desires.  Be specific and don’t talk back or tell your heart what it wants.  This is not selfish, this is love.  When you let your heart finish first, when you harness all your horses to those dreams, everyone wins.

(How Can I Lose- Shirley Ann Lee


WELCOME BACK WANDERERS OF THE ASTRAL PLAIN!  I don't have too much to say here that I don't already say under the card I've pulled for this moon, the 6 OF CUPS!  I am, as always reporting from inside the storm!  And it has been quite a downpour of shifts and alterations with all of the planets that have been changing direction recently and asking us to consider making changes of our own.


ATTENTION ALL READERS Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.   And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


forward and back, don't step on a crack, build up of plaque, hit the sack, don't step on a tack, what we may lack, love shack, wolf pack, got the knack, saturn stations, alterations, new communications, abrupt vacations, changing medications, testing our patience, avoid altercations, full moon in the sign of the water bearer, whats fairer, saying a prayer, being a team player, soothsayer, lions layer, stars above, all my love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


“Was that me or you?” That is what I imagine the Full Moon and Saturn are saying to each other.  Today (early this morning) there was a Full Moon in Aquarius and today Saturn stations (apparently “stands still”) to go direct tomorrow (Saturday).  In fact, you might observe that the Full Moon in Aquarius serves as Saturn’s bullhorn blaring Saturn’s message.  Saturn has been in Scorpio for much of the summer and will remain in Scorpio through mid September.  Saturn’s departure from Scorpio is significant- the planet WILL NOT return to this sign for another 29 years.  The themes of Saturn in Scorpio are profound- death, endings, transformation, rebirth, and perhaps most important- surrender.  

The Aquarius Full Moon asks us to look at who we really are and what we really want and which (ideas, relationships, group associations) may be curtailing our freedom to be who we truly are.  The focus of Full Moons is typically on letting go or releasing, which at this Full Moon, is further emphasized and echoed by Saturn in Scorpio’s station.  As you are taking stock of your life and your relationships over the next few weeks, as the moon wanes, consider pairing down on or discarding all your old costumes, the ones which hide who you are, not the ones which highlight who you are.  Included in this Aquarian box may be, friendships, groups, mailing lists, associations which no longer accurately reflect who you are as an individual.  Uranus (Aquarius’ modern ruling planet) is currently retrograde, so your assessment may be more on an internal or emotional level.  The key, perhaps is in surrendering to the changes your authentic self is pushing you to make rather than focusing your energy on calculated maneuvers or decisive action.  

The 6 of Cups reflects the need and desire to take one last long look over your shoulder, over the past few years (while Saturn has been in Scorpio) and to acknowledge both the changes you’ve made and the changes you need to make in order to be ready for the dream that Saturn in Sagittarius is asking you to grow.  We are nearing a graduation of sorts, from Scorpio’s school, which has no doubt been rigorous and intense to Sagittarius’ school which we may find to be among other things enriching and illuminating.  Take a moment to congratulate yourself on the progress you’ve made over the past few years, however small.  The 6 of Cups can be rather nostalgic and overly sentimental, but the Full Moon in Aquarius is not.  The 6 of Cups reminds us not to be purely ruthless or to detach completely from our emotions as we approach the changes ahead.  Aaand, Venus moved back into Leo today which ads fire to the 6 of Cups warning- do not leave your heart out of any decision making process.    

One last thing I’d like to mention about this moon is that it is the second Full Moon in the same month which makes it a Blue Moon.  This is a relatively rare occurrence and a friend of mine mentioned that we aren’t likely to see another Blue Moon until 2018.  Witch reminds me of a part in the movie Harold and Maude I often repeat.  To summarize, we often get stuck when we start thinking of ourselves and others as just a field of daisies and fail to acknowledge the ways in which we are all very unique and that we are, in a sense, all Blue Moons.  

(Blue Moon- Greta Keller)


WELCOME NAVIGATORS OF THE ASTRAL PLANE! We are approaching the New Moon! I discuss the moon and it's significance more under the 2 OF CUPS, but a few other aspects are worth mentioning.  Venus formed a square with Saturn yesterday (Tues) which can create tension in the areas over which Venus presides- relationships, finances and creativity.  This aspect brings to mind the old saying, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."  Saturn puts the Venusian areas of our life to the test, highlighting any points in need of repair.  If you still haven't done your taxes, now might be a time to complete the process.  Saturn rules structure and as I overheard someone say the other day, if your house is made of cards Saturn will blow it over.  What is love made of in your life?  Does your financial situation need fortifying?  

Additionally, Uranus will form a square with the Sun and Moon at the New Moon asking us to break with tradition and patterns which are no longer nurturing to our evolution.  Again this could be the catalyst for more separations on the relationship front.  But, as a woman  I overheard on a cross town bus said to someone on the other end of her cellphone, "Sometimes you have to...break....down....to make a...break...through."  Also at the New Moon, Mars and Mercury conjunct in Cancer will oppose Pluto in Capricorn.  Asking us to consider how and where we express or repress our emotions.  Be aware of how you are expressing your emotions or the actions you take in response to your feelings at this time because it will likely have a transformative effect and potentially change the situation that catalyzed them forever.    

Just to reiterate:  Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will now pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.  


ATTENTION ALL READERS Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.   And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


new moon soon, emotional typhoon, sing a new tune, call of the loon, cartoon, sand dune, month of june, nom de plume, strange perfume, gloom and doom, judy blume, drawing room, womb to the tomb, business boom, witches broom, dog groom, to whom, uranus square, what a pair, quite a flair, do what you dare, sit and stare, over there, bit of a glare, hearts we bear, love we share, know you are rare, show you care, stars above, lots of love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


The New Moon this Wednesday evening at 6:24 pm PST is joined in the sign of Cancer by the Sun, Mars and Mercury.  Cancer is the sign of home, of comfort, of mother.  As I was driving around the other day, not far from my current address, I found myself thinking about these Cancerian themes.  With wanderers for parents, home has often been a moving target.  Years ago, I decided that for me, home was best defined above- by the moon and stars, and below- by my own body.  I’ve struggled as many of us do, to feel comfortable, to feel “at home,” in both of these locations.  

As I was driving, I was thinking mostly about feeling comfortable in my own body.  I was too hot, I’d run out of deodorant and I was expecting my period.  These I understood to be temporary discomforts, but they all clamored for my attention.  Then there was a back injury I’d sustained roller skating, an annoyance that had settled in for an extended stay and every so often slid into my awareness by climbing the pain scale.  Historically and habitually my response to my feelings of discomfort has been to snap at them like a disgruntled school bus driver, “Quiet kids!”  More recently, I’ve been practicing treating my needs and complaints affectionately, as if they were my own children.  I let myself stop an extra two times on my short journey, once to re-adjust the pillow beneath my tailbone and again for a cold beverage.  

My grandfather, a Cancer, used to keep a small voice recorder in his glove compartment in case he thought of something he wanted to remember while he was driving.  I smiled at his memory as I struggled to record a few thoughts of my own on my phone while waiting for a green light.  “The rules we place on our bodies that make it difficult to inhabit,” I said into the phone as if I was reading a book title aloud.  The thoughts that accompanied this summary stemmed from a conversation I’d had with some friends recently about our bodies changing shape and no longer being able to fit into old clothes.  

At the Capricorn Full Moon the emphasis was on changing and releasing things which in the past may have provided structure to your life, but which are no longer supportive of who you have become and what you want to grow into.  At the Cancer New Moon forming a square to Uranus (emphasis on sudden and radical change) you might say we are looking at changes from the inside-out, as opposed to perhaps Capricorns outside-in.  How do you feeeeel?  A few weeks ago, in Tarotscopes, I mentioned that stress is often caused by a fear of change even though we know that change is inevitable.  Similarly, we as individuals and collectively as a society place the unrealistic expectation on our bodies that they will never change or that we can somehow prevent them from changing.  Our bodies are in a constant state of flux.  Even plastic surgery doesn’t really restore a person to a previous version of themselves, but sculpts them into still another form.     

As I was thinking about how difficult it is to embrace ones own body, I recorded another thought, “When somebody takes your body and loves it as it is.”  Sex!  When someone touches and appreciates your body with the intention of making you feel good, it often melts, at least for a little while, whatever self-critique you’ve had playing on a loop in your head, you feel sexy.  But it is also important to note that sex makes you feel “sexy” because you are, not because another person made you so- sex is the reminder. 

Emily Trinkaus wrote in her New Moon post, “The bottom-line Cancer “issue” is INSECURITY – pervasive in the modern West and often appearing as over-eating, hyper-consumerism and other addictions. We’ll never feel really safe or secure or satiated until we root down and make home right where we are, and tend to our bodies and home planet as the sacred beings they/we are.”  The 2 of Cups, the card I’ve pulled for this New Moon in Cancer points to a simple love, a fresh love, raw attraction and a sort of innocence.  While the 2 of Cups is often about partnering, the astrological suggestions leading up to this New Moon may ask you to resolve any partnerships or relationships which do not, as I mentioned before, contribute to a desire to feel loved, supported, nurtured, and sexy.  All of these things become difficult to do if we do not first “root down and make home right where we are…and tend to our bodies and home planet.”  

Anne Ortelee made a very important point in her blog post this week and I think is important to mention again here, “It is NO ONE’s job to make you happy.  You are in charge of making yourself happy.”  And sometimes taking responsibility for your own happiness means not staying in a relationship.  In Tarot, the 2 of Cups assumes you’ve experienced and embraced the Ace of Cups, the focus of which is loving oneself.  The 2 of Cups builds on and supports the work you’ve done around the Ace of Cups’ themes of self love.  Of course in life, which may be less clean than even the cards can reflect, the path between one and two or more is more of a squiggle with a few curly-q’s.  We loop back and forth all the time.  Don’t forget to come home to yourself and love that person too.  

(House of Heartaches- The Neptunes)


WELCOME NAVIGATORS OF THE ASTRAL PLANE! This is a big week here at TAROTSCOPES because it is the first of a brand new structure which will synchronize with the planets and stars, instead of with the calendar or clock.  Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.

In addition to what I detail below under the card I pulled for the Full Moon, the II HIGH PRIESTESS, Juno, planet of partnership, has just moved from Leo to Virgo.  Juno in Leo is adoring, loyal and dramatic.  Juno in Leo wants you all to herself.  Juno in Virgo, on a good day (Juno trine Jupiter), wants to see you put your best foot forward and help you achieve your goals, but on a bad day (Juno square Saturn), Juno in Virgo can be a bit of a nitpicker and harsh in her critique.  These dynamics may arise in romantic partnerships, business partnerships or in any area where you have formed a marriage-like bond or commitment.  In myth Juno was Zeus' wife and she put up with a lot of his philandering.  In astrology, Juno may also reflect what we are willing to put up with in a partnership. 


ATTENTION ALL READERS Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.   And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


full moon in cap, out of the trap, no more crap, curl up in a lap, pat on the back, removes plaque, paint it black, a special knack, open just a crack, time for a snack, a good hack, clothing rack, getting flack, no plastic sacks, moon squares the nodes, different modes, new roads, boat loads, kissing toads, mars is crabby, gift of gabby, the cat is tabby, embrace your flabby, not too shabby, tarotscopes has a new hair-do, thank you, what's the p.l.u., a dab of glue, fending off the flu, says who, tap shoe, i love you, fit like a glove, stars above, peace dove,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all:


Okay, I know we’ve seen this card very recently, but it is time now to revisit given the current astrological weather, namely- the Full Moon in Capricorn.  Two weeks ago I talked about the Hierophant, aka the High Priest and how he represents spiritual and/ or moral authority.  He is sometimes considered the masculine counter part to the High Priestess.  He refers perhaps to external authority, while the High Priestess asks us to listen to our own internal compass, our ways of knowing which are not often recognized or validated by society or any sort of external structure.  There may be no applause or graduation ceremony for listening to or learning from your intuition, but the rewards could, in effect, be far greater.

Astrologer Anne Ortelee has said repeatedly in her podcasts that we are currently “working on the dream.”  She means, of course, your dreams for the future, not the one I had last night, but this dream did seem very pertinent to the themes of this Full Moon in Capricorn and so I will share anyway.  The dream began just as I jumped into a pool.  Incidentally, my friend, a Capricorn, was there with me.  She had convinced me to jump in the pool because “we still have some time before our flights.”  My mind flashed on an airline ticket and I realized that my flight departed hours before hers, at 4:20 pm (even my dreams have a sense of humor).  I was trying to get to Miami to catch a flight to Puerto Rico.  My dad (a Cancer) appeared, as I got out of the pool.  “I’m going to miss my flight.”  We both looked at our watches and I saw that it was 3:40 pm.  “Do you think I’ll make it if we leave right now?” I asked.  “If we leave right now,” my dad confirmed.  Another friend of mine and her daughter (both Sagittarius’) walked into the picture and my dad started talking to them and forgot the time.  This is very uncharacteristic of my dad who used to say, almost on a daily basis, “Chop! Chop! Let’s go!  We’re going to be late!”  I looked back at my watch, it was 4pm.  “We aren’t going to make it are we?” I said.  “It doesn’t look like it,” my dad replied casually.

I’ve been trying to navigate a feeling, which began as an intuition that I needed to change the structure of Tarotscopes.  I wanted to make more room in my life both for the readings I offer and the projects I’m interested in exploring and also for life itself.  I’ve wanted to jump in the pool for quite some time, but was simultaneously afraid to step away from a structure that had shaped my life for almost three years.  As the moon waxed towards full in the sign of Capricorn (exact tomorrow evening) I thought about how I might be able to change the structure (which I had created in the first place) to accommodate my needs for flexibility and, as my dream flight time suggested, the need to “chill” occasionally.  I knew that to push past the feeling that it was time to move on from the form Tarotscopes had taken up to this point would be disregarding my own authority and my own way of knowing, a tool I’ve relied on in the readings I give and to navigate the world since birth.  

The Full Moon will be just five fingers away from Pluto suggesting that the message this Moon is transmitting has a lot to do with change and transformation.  In particular, changes (Pluto, and Mars actually) to a structure (Capricorn) in your life based on what your feelings and intuition (Cancer and the High Priestess) are recommending.  In addition to opposing the Sun and loosely Mars, the Moon will also be squaring the Nodes of Fate emphasizing the need to ensure that the structure you create and the goals you set for the future are in the direction of balance, peace and love.  Embrace your inner hippie, Dude, Jane, Slater, Harold or Kumar etc...you get the idea.  Summer is here.  

(The Boat that I Row- Lulu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5usk2yrw0E)

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 06/25/15

WELCOME BACK WANDERERS!  How do you feel?  I've been trying to ask myself that question with more frequency lately and patiently wait for the answer.  It has been so hot in Los Angeles the last few days.  Everyone is running on a short fuse, including me.  I find the best remedy for this feeling is to coddle myself like a little kid, even though what I instinctually want to do is bully myself into doing things and snap, "Just do it and quit complaining!"  But this never works, at least not for me.  I find it immobilizing and it only makes me want to cry in frustration until you can't tell snot from tears.  Anyway, all this talk of feelings is very appropriate given the season we have just entered, it is Cancer season, but I will discuss this in more detail under the card for the week, THE SUN!! 



ATTENTION ALL READERS Instead of a weekly horoscope by zodiac sign, I will pull cards on a bi-monthly basis in preparation for the Full and New Moons.  In addition to this structural change I will be discontinuing my subscriptions and all posts from here on out will be made free and open to the public.  This decision was made in order to provide more time and focus for my private reading practice as well as new Tarotscopes projects.   And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


sun and mars in the sign of the crab, take a stab, science lab, gift of gab, just a dab, hop in a cab, feeling fab, pick up the tab, waves of change, home on the range, feeling strange, dogs with mange, summer trip, take a sip, stiff upper lip, go for a dip, threads rip, back flip, unzip, leave a tip, paper clip, sailing ship, full moon in cap, victory lap, holy crap, that's a rap, annual pap, take a nap, what a sap, checking the map, hand clap, big hug, lots of love, 

                             -- MW

Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


On a walk the other day I decided to take the long way home in order to give myself more time to think about happiness.  This is what the card for the week, the Sun, asks us all to consider.  Oddly enough, the extra time spent wandering the neighborhood had the unintended effect of making me feel more optimistic and…happy.  One thing I’ve observed from doing readings with different people is that while happiness as a feeling is often described similarly, using similar words, the ingredients that make up this feeling in each person can be vastly different.  And not only that, but those ingredients frequently change within each individual as well.  Happiness, like many emotions, is slippery.  Trying to hold it only seems to make it harder to grasp and yet most of the time we can’t help ourselves, it is irresistible.  As a kid I often tried to replicate moments of joy and found that frequently they couldn’t be recreated.  If my brother and I had a good laugh together over an episode of “Ren and Stimpy” one morning, then I would bang on his bedroom door every Saturday morning thereafter in the hopes of reproducing the moment.  My brother and I still share a similar sense of humor, but our laughter doesn’t always culminate over the same cartoon.  

The other day my mom sent me a link to a podcast on the science behind mindfulness meditation.  The guest told the interviewer that stress is typically caused by a fear of and resistance to change, even though we know that change is inevitable and constant.  It was so simple, but hearing it stated so clearly somehow made it tangible.  I could feel and pinpoint the resistance he described in my body like a rock caught in my own cog.  One of the things I appreciate about astrology is that it acknowledges and embraces this constant state of change and flux.  When I told my mom I was writing about happiness for the card for the week, she said, “It’s like trying to hold water in your hand.”  My mother knows very little about astrology, but with this comment she inadvertently touched on some key Cancer characteristics, water and holding.  

We have now officially entered Cancer season.  The Sun moved into Cancer on Sunday at the Solstice and Mars moved into Cancer on Wednesday (today).  Cancer is ruled by the Moon and the Moon, as we know, goes through several phases in the course of a month.  When the Sun and Mars are in Cancer we are all more sensitive to these cycles and to the moons relationships with other planets as well.  As I write this the moon is in Libra, a pleasant placement in general and especially for me.  I’m feeling peaceful and calm as this moon suggests.  The moon will enter Scorpio on Friday and it is quite likely that I will be feeling very differently by then.  There is an image I often come back to in my mind, a sort of animated gif from childhood, of this giant waterwheel that was positioned at the entrance to a Japanese restaurant in the town where I grew up.  The wheel turned under the weight of water that fell from a spout near the ceiling.  Happiness, particularly in Cancer season, may be something like this ever turning wheel.  Try not to cling to whatever you are feeling, but allow the feelings to wash over you and move with them.  Consider what these emotions could be suggesting.  What action (Mars) might you need to take based on the feelings (Cancer) that present themselves?

Finally, on a more personal but also transpersonal note, this week, my grandfather, a Cancer, would have been 100 years old.  He passed away this past Fall and I think of him often.  Cancers tend to have a reputation for being moody, “crabby Cancers!”  While his life was not without hardship, I have yet to meet anyone more consistently positive and optimistic than my grandfather.  I’m sure I’m not the only person in my family who would dial his number just to hear him say, “Faaaaantastic!”  After asking, “How are you, Grandpa?”  In his honor I leave you with a little of his Cancerian wisdom from an essay he wrote a few years back:  “We humans awake daily and face uncertainties that may appear on our path.  We can either approach them with optimism or fear.  Our culture and economy are quick to identify uncertainties with their commercial or political solutions, allegedly providing certainty…Even electricity may fail in a thunderstorm…Thus, we humans can embrace the various uncertainties we face daily with pleasure, because we know through searching in the quiet moments that we possess the power of the universe as a certainty.  We are not “only human”, we are fantastically whole creations.”

(Turn of the Wheel- Yoko Ono

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 06/17/15

WELCOME TRAVELERS! In addition to the transits and configurations mentioned below under the card for the week, Venus will also form an Inconjunct or Quincunx with Pluto on the 21st, Summer Solstice.  This is considered a difficult aspect, but like all difficult aspects there is potential for positive growth (see the card for the week THE HIEROPHANT below).  One of the things we may be shown with this aspect is where the structure of our lives is not communicating with or supporting our creativity or love.  We may fear the loss or consistency of something stable in our lives like a job or a relationship, but when we address the fear we could realize that this discomfort is a signal that the job or relationship needs to shift in order to accommodate our creative or romantic nature.  






ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS AND FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS while I will continue to post the card for the week, your individual Tarotscopes will be on a short 2 week vacation.  If you have purchased a subscription, this brief hiatus will in no way effect your purchase.  Your subscription will be extended an additional two weeks to make up for the absence.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


venus and pluto in a spat, tit for tat, black cat, fly or gnat, under your hat, smell a rat, together we sat, don't be a brat, wipe your feet on the mat, up to bat, scorpio saturn, seeing an old pattern, lighting the lantern, grand fire trine, what's yours what's mine, it will be fine, crossing the line, tonight we dine, reading the signs, december returns, lessons we learn, potted fern, saturn stern, for what we yearn, meeting adjourned, stars above, lots of love,

                             -- MW

Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


The Hierophant in the tarot is sometimes seen as the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess.  He represents moral or spiritual authority and also institutional or formal education.  Saturn, the planet often described as the “great teacher,” has moved back into the last degrees of Scorpio.  A move reflected in some of the conflicts brought up by the Hierophant.  The Hierophant and the Saturn have some similarities, both are concerned with boundaries and limits, but their approach is different.  The Hierophant typically reflects and reinforces what society deems appropriate, while Saturn’s lessons have more to do with discovering our own boundaries and limits which may fall inside or outside of the moral or spiritual authority suggested by the Hierophant.  The Hierophant tends to be more instructional, he is a spiritual advisor and so he also represents someone you would consult directly for advice.  Saturn’s lessons are typically learned through the living of them.  Some might say that these are lessons learned the “hard way,” the kinds of tests for which there can be no preparation.  An overly simplistic way to say this is, Saturn shows and the Hierophant tells.  

When I pulled this card in Amy Von Harrington’s deck I found myself thinking about the lessons we set out to learn and the ones we learn almost inadvertently.  On a recent visit with my parents in Colombia it was the enthusiastic four year old granddaughter of our cab driver who patiently instructed me in Spanish.  Because she was in the process of learning the rules of her language in school she was excited and committed to repeating and enforcing those rules with me.  The linguistic lessons I had hoped and expected to learn, but I had not anticipated that the instruction would come from a child or that my classroom would be a cab on a dirt road at night.  This is an example of an inadvertent lesson of the Hierophant variety.  

Also this week Jupiter, Uranus and Pallas Athene form a Grand Fire Trine, further emphasizing the potential to acquire information or learn lessons we weren’t perhaps consciously seeking.  When my parents and I first moved to Brazil when I was a teenager I had never lived in an apartment building before.  I was excited to be able to watch life below unobserved from the window of our third story apartment.  I got to know certain faces from this perch.  There was a homeless woman who spent much of her time camped out in our neighborhood, she seemed to be so lost in thought that she didn’t have time to travel very far on foot.  One day when I was watching from the window I saw her come to a crossroads.  The sidewalk forked and I found myself anxiously wondering which one she would choose.  She seemed to live in her own world and suddenly she was being forced to acknowledge this one.  “She’ll have to make decision,” I thought.  Her head moved slightly from one path to the other, but, to my surprise, instead of proceeding down one or the other, she threw the black garbage sack she had over her shoulder down on the fork and sat on it.  I was delighted, it was a choice I hadn’t considered an option.

Saturn in Scorpio at the last degrees of Scorpio takes us back to the lessons we were working on when Saturn was at the same degrees in December of 2014.  With Scorpio I often think of alchemical changes, changes you may not or cannot even be conscious of until after the dust has settled.  Now that Saturn is moving retrograde through the last degrees of Scorpio, the reasons behind or impetus for changes and decisions we were trying to make back in December may become more clear or evident now.  We may need to rethink a decision we made or approach we took back in December.  Again, this brings up the Hierophant.  While the lessons the Hierophant points to, on the surface, may show us what the “right” or “moral” thing to do is by societies standards, he also shows us often by contrast, what is “right” or “moral” by our own standards or definitions.  Last night I had dinner with a good friend of mine.  I was expressing my own desires for change and my frustrations around not being entirely clear what the changes were that I needed to make.  She listened and then she said, “Enjoy this moment at the crossroads of not knowing, because life will eventually push you in one direction or another.”

(School Days- The Runaways)

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 06/11/15

WELCOME WANDERERS OF THE ASTRAL PLAIN! Mercury went direct earlier today and Neptune is currently stationing to go retrograde tomorrow.  I discuss this in more detail under the card for the week THE KNIGHT OF CUPS.  There is a lot of watery Piscean energy in the stars this week, Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Gemini are square to one another and Chiron in Pisces is forming a square with the Sun and Mars.  Astrologer Anne Ortelee said that due to all this Piscean energy, particularly the wound (Chiron in Pisces) we may all be feeling a little like "a motherless child."  There will be a New Moon in Gemini on Tuesday.  This will hopefully be a welcome reset button post Gemini Mercury Retrograde.  All those thoughts you've been chewing on over the Retrograde may now find their place in action.  




ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS AND FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS while I will continue to post the card for the week, your individual Tarotscopes will be on a short 2 week vacation.  If you have purchased a subscription, this brief hiatus will in no way effect your purchase.  Your subscription will be extended an additional two weeks to make up for the absence.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  And as a reminder...<3  

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 


more god fingers, a feeling that lingers, listening to the freedom singers, real humdingers, letting go, feelings flow, not much to show, wild winds blow, i don't know, all a glow, the boat that you row, hard angles to chiron and neptune, emotional typhoon, wait until next week at noon, you'll feel better soon, look to the moon, sun and mars together, what weather, birds of a feather, boots of leather, month of pride, can't and won't hide, remembering those who've died, free ride, tour guide, rubber glove, stars above, all my love,

                             -- MW

Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


The other day in Los Angeles was the first day in a long time of uncomfortable heat.  I was feeling what a friend of mine calls, “pre-monstral.”  The wealth of feelings surrounding your menstrual cycle are complicated and nuanced which is why it can be so frustrating to have them rolled together, brushed aside and swept under the rug of PMS.  I do it myself if I don’t feel like examining the emotions that surface, but the other day I was acutely aware that what I was trying to mask and protect was a raw vulnerability.  I had my windows down with the radio blasting.  As I approached a stoplight at an intersection Sia’s,“Elastic Heart,” came on which was an almost laughably perfect soundtrack to my situation.  A man with eyes hidden behind reflective sunglasses was standing on the corner next to his bicycle.  He leaned forward and said something to me I couldn’t hear.  His brow was furrowed and he seemed angry.  “What?” I called back reflexively.  He repeated himself leaning towards my window, shouting, his face becoming more creased with anger.  “Don’t shout at me!”  I yelled and rolled up the window which only seemed to make him more enraged.  As I pulled away he was waving his arms and his rant seemed to shift from specific to indiscriminate.  People must have thought he was crazy and he may have been or maybe he was just frustrated and hot.  People often describe women experiencing PMS as “crazy,” but as I said the feelings are more complicated and also more simple- the experience is physically uncomfortable.  I realized as I rolled away from the street corner that I was also wearing mirrored sunglasses so neither of us could see each others eyes, only the reflection of ourselves.   

The Sun and Mars in Gemini have been brushing up against each other and this week, on Friday, they finally slap hands.  When the Sun and Mars meet conflicts like the one described above are not uncommon.  You may have already been experiencing some flare ups (especially if you are hot or on your period).  Some fights may feel unavoidable.  I’m shy to admit it, but in that moment it felt good to yell, like a whistle of steam from my pressure cooker of emotion.  I can’t be certain, but I got the sense that the encounter was somewhat relieving for this man as well.  I’m not suggesting you go pick fights with strangers, but finding appropriate outlets for your frustrations may be a priority this week.  It may be important to reflect on how the people with whom you butt heads (Mars conjunct Sun) this week are showing you your own needs, behavior or buried desires.  Anger often surfaces around an open wound.  It can be almost instinctual like when you try to pull a sticker out of a dogs foot, sometimes they growl or snap.    

This brings us to the Knight of Cups, the card for the week.  The Knight of Cups asks us to remember the vulnerability that often hovers just beneath anger, frustration, a growl or a snap.  I don’t mean to excuse others behavior, but it may be helpful as a way to understand our own.  The Knight of Cups, in many ways is the bravest of the Knights in the tarot because he isn’t afraid of his vulnerability and, therefore, doesn’t rely on any kind of armor.  He uses his emotions as a compass, to show him what is needed or where to go, when to retreat and when to demonstrate compassion.  On Thursday, Mercury goes direct in a square to Neptune, as Neptune prepares to go retrograde the following day.  This is another highly emotionally charged moment with potential for much confusion and miscommunication.  Again, it may be necessary to proceed with the utmost bravery, the Knight of Cups as our guide, swords down, armor aside.  

(Shout It Out- Divine)


June is Pride month.  All queer musicians!  


No plot, no scheme, no theme! 

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 06/04/15

WELCOME NAVIGATORS! This week, besides the astrological weather I mentioned below under the card for the week, THE 6 OF SWORDS! Venus moves into Leo for an extended stay due to a retrograde this summer.  Venus in Leo is playful, loyal, generous and loving, with a tendency to be somewhat self absorbed and dramatic.  The Birth of Venus in Leo would be a drastically different Venus from Botticelli’s version.  Venus in Leo would probably stand on her seashell like a stage.  She probably wouldn't bother trying to coyly conceal her nakedness.  She might even flex her muscles and turn around so everyone could get a good look, back and front.  Anyway…on earth (where my brain is currently not) we may experience Venus in Leo as a time of generosity, financial, romantic and aesthetic extravagance, and fun (when her parade isn’t rained on by other planets).




ANNOUNCEMENT:  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today!

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year. Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


finger of god, aka yod, pea in a pod, hot bod, house of sod, super mod, changes broad, riding rough shod, venus into leo, o sole mio, un poco frio, saturn in scorpio soon, change of tune, already june, business boon, typhoon, follow the moon, mercury and nodes of fate, open gate, in a state, at this rate, running late, don't hate, taking the bait, roommate, big date, stars above, lots of love,

                             -- MW

Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


Lately I’ve found myself holding the same piece of advice and giving it too.  I think I may have actually absorbed the lesson from an episode of 30 Rock where Jack Donaghy advises Liz Lemon to go down “into the crevasse.”  What I’ve been saying, however, is “the only way out is through”  which I guess was originally stated more tenderly by Robert Frost as, “the best way out is always through.”  My adoption of this phrase and stance was in response to the prevailing sentiment expressed by both myself and several friends in various dramatic situations, “I give up!”  But giving up in many of the scenarios myself and others have found ourselves in, isn’t a viable solution.  In fact in many ways giving up only complicates the situation despite it being the easiest option to verbalize.  To find my way through, I’ve been asking myself, “And now what?”  as in, now what is needed?  This seems to keep me focused on the solution to the problem rather than dwelling on the problem itself, which is sometimes more exciting.  

In 1993 there was a big flood in the town where I grew up.  The street where my aunt and uncle lived filled with close to three feet of water.  I remember wading through it fully clothed thinking it was fun, until I swam past a car marbling the water with gasoline.  I swam back to my aunt and uncle’s house, a bad feeling and lawn clippings clinging to my clothes.  Thankfully the crisis’ my friends and I are dealing with are not literal floods, but they may have precipitated floods of the emotional variety.  With any crisis you are often forced to find a solution.  The flood waters didn’t recede just because we got tired of dealing with them.  You had to find a way to keep moving through the difficulty, you had to keep asking, “what do we do now?” 

This week we have been under the astrological influence of a Finger of God or a Yod.  Jupiter in Leo and Mars in Gemini aspected each other in a sextile and both formed a quincunx with Capricorn in Pluto creating an isosceles triangle.  A sextile is an easy conversation, but a quincunx indicates tension, in this case Jupiter and Mars are putting pressure on the focal point, Pluto.  The emphasis is on evolution and change, but with a Yod there may be nothing to DO.  It may be a time best suited to observation and reflection.  Take note of where you feel tension pushing you to evolve or change, particularly around an established structure in your life.  Once again, the suggestion seems to be that who you are and what you want to do may not gel with the structure under which you are currently operating or perhaps you have been giving your power to something which does not support your growth or shine.  The quincunx often suggests that something in one area may have to be given up in order to gain in another.  Think about any conflicts currently presenting themselves, consider what you could give up in one area to gain in another or in order to find a solution.  Is it your ego?  Is it a fear of confrontation?  Or a fear of being right or wrong?  This brings us to the card for the week, the 6 of Swords.  

In the traditional Raider-Waite deck, the image of the 6 of Swords shows a woman and a child in a boat being rowed to a distant shore.  The woman’s shoulders are hunched and her head is covered as if she were grieving the loss of the shore from which she departed, but what lies ahead also looks inviting.  Abandoning something familiar, even if it is simply a point of view or a bad habit, is often difficult.  The loss you mourn may only be the comfort of stability, the ground beneath your feet, which preceded the impetus for change.  While conflict and crisis may initially be engaging, consider when and where it could be time to “abandon ship” in order to find a more inviting shore.    

(The Wayworn Traveler- The Carter Family)


Due to technical difficulties (and perhaps the Mercury Retrograde) there is no mix this week, or at least not right now.  Will post if anything changes!  Thank you for your patience! 


No theme just thoughts.

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 05/28/15


Welcome to another week of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini!  The other day over dinner my brother observed, "You always repeat yourself two different ways."  "It's cuz I'm trying to get at something from both sides!" I retorted.  Mercury in Gemini!  Okaayyy, so there is a Full Moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday.  Get ready...to relax!  This and more under the card for the week...the 7 OF PENTACLES!


ANNOUNCEMENT:  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today!

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year.  Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


full moon in sign of the centaur, near and far, leave behind your car, dance on the bar, hard har har, wish on a star, on par, frutos del mar, no war, mercury slow, far to go, cash flow, tied in a bow,  the road we hoe, friend and foe, for all we know, no grass to mow, edgar allan poe, yolo, uh oh, to and fro, do your ears hang low, feel the glow, let feelings show, ducks in row, love, hearts, game of darts, astrology charts, 


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


Sometimes I put myself in traffic to make myself wait, to slow life down to a pace I can think to.  Something happens in the gulps between movement and stagnation.  While I was driving I saw a billboard suggesting I travel by foot more often.  I felt it’s point, a pang of guilt thinking of the gas I was guzzling and what that costs besides money and who pays the cost besides myself.  But if I had walked I wouldn’t have ended up on the west side away from what and who is familiar, which is what I was in need of- a hiccup in time, a short vacation.  People who drive know that it is easy to slip into a meditative state.  This is a scary thought if you spend any time with it or tell people who don’t drive because what it sounds like is that you aren’t paying attention and sometimes you aren’t.  Most of the time I find the opposite to be true, I’m dedicating my attention intensely to the experience and that is why certain thoughts are given rise and meaning.  As I was traveling west on Santa Monica Blvd I passed over Highway 101 which was studded with traffic in both directions, people rolling slowly northwest or southeast.  They probably hadn’t deliberately thrown themselves into rush hour as I had, they probably just wanted to get home or get away from work or their mistakes, but we were all made to wait together.  

The card of the week, the 7 of Pentacles is about waiting for the truth or your own best direction to reveal itself.  The themes of this card go right along with the upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius this Tuesday June 2.  At the Full Moon, Retrograde Mercury will aspect the nodes of destiny which could provide some insights about a change you are wanting to make.  However, Neptune will square both Mercury and the Full Moon, so the information you get will likely not be of the direct, informercial variety, but may be delivered on a more intuitive level through dreams.  This is not a big action taking Full Moon, it is more meditative with an opportunity to practice surrendering your needs and desires to the fabric of life.  Trying to push or pull at this Full Moon may be similar to battling traffic.  Tailgating your dreams won’t necessarily make them manifest faster.  Trust that something is happening between movement and stagnation.   

(When I Come- The Violinaires)


No plot, no scheme, no theme!

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 05/21/15


Mercury is Retrograde, we had a New Moon in Taurus a fertile new moon for planting and projects.  Currently, the Sun is opposing Saturn.  This is a sobering and somewhat difficult aspect which we may feel over the next few days, calling on us to take responsibility for our needs and desires and perhaps shedding light on where it is difficult to provide support for those things.  Saturn in astrology is a sort of father-figure and as you know there are many different ways to embody that role.  Try to be the friendly, supportive kind of dad to yourself over the next few days.  Juno and Jupiter are joined in Leo asking you to partner with something or someone in a way which will promote growth and expansion of, in particular, self-expression, creativity and fun.  More astrological trees and weather under the card for the week THE HIGH PRIESTESS!


LOS ANGELES:  I will be offering readings this Friday May 22 and Saturday May 23 at pop-up shop, UP IN SMOKE 943 N. Broadway in Chinatown from 2-5pm both days. Email me (mwtarotscopes@gmail.com) for an appointment (20 min sessions) or just stop by!  SEE YOU SOON! 

ANNOUNCEMENT:  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today!

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year.  Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


mercury retro in the sign of the twins, everyone wins, hat pins, shark fins, big grins, music dins, hit the bins, cookie tins, jupiter and juno handshake, give and take, what is at stake, real or fake, birthday cake, dinner to make,  for heaven's sake, listen to your intuition, release your inhibitions, gone fishing, gossip dishing, wishing, what's missing, french kissing, stars above, peace dove, lots of love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


I have a stack of old photos I keep in the back of my closet in a ziplock bag.  Similar to the memories they elucidate, they aren’t easy to access.  Sometimes I dig out and look at the ones of me at age 7 or me at age 10 and I try to imagine talking to that person as if I didn’t know her, as if we just happened to be sitting next to each other on a bus or in a waiting room.  Joan Didion wrote that it is a good idea “to keep on nodding terms with the people we used to be,” otherwise we end up haunted by the parts of ourselves we’ve determined to forget.  I find that the youngest versions of myself are easiest to embrace, “she’s just a child, she doesn’t know any better.”  But my adult shadows are harder to look squarely in the face.  I mention all this because we are now in the throws of a Gemini Mercury Retrograde.  

Mercury Retrogrades often deliver messages from our past and in Gemini this tendency is underscored.  Old friends, lovers, siblings we haven’t spoken to, siblings we didn’t know we had, may surface during this time to provide you with information you can use when Mercury once again goes direct.  This is similar to the practice I described above of speaking to old versions of yourself, except in this case it may be less intentional and involve surprise or synchronous encounters.  Be wary of brushing these encounters aside without some consideration.  It can be difficult to look at former versions of yourself or be reminded of past regrets.  

In high school I kept two paintings my brother had made over my bed.  When he was home from college once he politely but insistently asked me to take them down.  “Why?” I asked, “I like them.”  He squirmed uncomfortably for a minute before he made a verbal reply, “I just don’t like being reminded…I would never make anything like that now.”  Growing up I frequently observed my brother sweep away his own trail by throwing out evidence of his former interests or artwork.  I, on the other hand, had an almost masochistic relationship with my evolution.  I kept practically everything I had ever made, especially the ugly, incomplete or unsuccessful things, I think because I wanted to be sure of my own progress, I wanted a record.  Whether we acknowledge this evolution or not, whether we have tangible evidence or not, we are our own archives.  We don’t erase our former selves we transform them.  

Change, growth, evolution, transformation is often an intuitive process.  We don’t always know where we are headed or who we are becoming when the desire or impetus for change strikes.  The card this week, The High Priestess emphasizes the intuitive process.  During Retrograde periods, such as this one, technology cannot be relied upon and often verbal communication leaves many gaps in understanding creating a need to rely more heavily on your intuition.  Retrogrades are a time for turning in and tuning in to your own frequency, for familiarizing yourself with the quiet core of strength within yourself which is ultimately there to guide you to the next stone, foothold or open door.   

(Cloudbusting- Kate Bush)


The theme this week is words to repeat or words you repeat in succession, otherwise known as epizeuxes.  When you repeat a word over and over it shows you another side of itself or collectively the words form a ring around a feeling or an idea allowing you to grasp it more concretely.  Think twice, it’s alright… Mercury is in retrograde in Gemini!  

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 05/14/15


I’m back home and reunited with Tarotscopes.  Thank you for your patience as I gallivanted around the eastern portion of the country for a few weeks.  My mental pockets are full, I’ve made several observations and discoveries, which in conjunction with your card and astrological weather may be helpful in the navigation of the days ahead.  We prepare this week for Mercury to go Retrograde in the sign of Gemini...more about this and the New Moon in Taurus under the card for the week THE KING OF PENTACLES!


ANNOUNCEMENT:  I'm so excited to bring you UMBRELLAS!  May they shelter you from the sun and rain as they simultaneously remind you: YOU ALREADY ARE.  See the "Readings + Spells + Magic" section to order yours today!

Gift Certificates for readings and/ or Tarotscopes Subscriptions available!  Click on the "Readings + Spells + Magic" tab or email me for more information. 

Reading prices have changed in the New Year.  Please see the Readings + Spells + Magic section for details and feel free to email me if you have any questions.  Thank you!


new moon in the sign of the bull, feeling full, push/ pull, shiny/ dull, jonathan livingston seagull, made of wool, mercury slows to go back, panic attack, on track, step on a crack, backpack, paint it black, sky full of gemini, piece of the pie, bow tie, oh my, ask why, the time is nigh, pass you by, sit and sigh, don't lie, what a guy, feeling shy, saying hi, blink of an eye, stars above, lots of love,


Without further ado! The general card from Amy von Harrington’s deck for all, for all the week (individual cards for the zodiac signs are pulled from the MOTHERPEACE deck):


Coming home is it’s own emotion or bucket of worms.  When our plane hit the runway at LAX my eyes were like two shriveled shitakes.  I turned on my phone and shook it, thinking it was still operating on eastern standard time, but soon realized it was really 2 am.  I took a cab from the airport which I’ve never done in the United States before.  On the highway towards my house the cab driver asked me which exit he should take.  I knew the answer, but I let his GPS take us a different way.  Unlocking my front door, hanging the key on the hook, letting my dog out to pee- my body knew how to do everything and where everything was, but the rest of me felt like a guest following someone else home.  The next morning I went to buy groceries and when I switched on the radio in the car Tom Petty was singing, “…all the vampires walking’ through the valley move, west down Ventura boulevard…” I made a motion to change the station but stopped myself realizing that the song was locating me in space by naming landmarks.  My mind wandered over the idea of naming things as a way to ground yourself in a location.  I read the street signs aloud.  I thought about the phrase, “I know the name.”  This phrase often comes in response to the question, “Do you know (name of person or place)?”  What does it mean to know a name if that is all you know?     

The card for the week is the King of Pentacles and seems to be a nod to the New Moon in Taurus, exact this Monday at a mature 26 degrees.  The King of Pentacles is someone who has already accomplished many things or maybe just one thing for which he has worked long and hard.  Perhaps he has a title like Dr. or holds a title like World Champion.  Because he has met and overcome challenges before, he is not afraid to take steps towards new desires or goals.  He is confident in his ability to navigate any obstacles which may arise and to find solutions where a solution is required.  According to astrologer Anne Ortelee, Taurus New Moons are the most fertile.  This is a good time to plant the seed of something you hope will grow to great heights in the future.  Like seeds, your desires or intentions also know how to find the sun and sprout.   

The sky is currently full of Gemini and Gemini ruled planets and as the sign ruled by Mercury, words are particularly potent and powerful.  Additionally, Mercury itself is in Gemini and is preparing to go retrograde this week, which means you may have to repeat every word twice.  Don’t shy away from this challenge.  A friend of mine used to get annoyed because I would repeat back what she said in my own words.  I think she thought I was correcting her, “That’s what I just said!”  I hadn’t even noticed I was doing it, but after she pointed it out I realized I was really just trying to comprehend, more fully, her meaning.  Repetition, even the repetition of just one word or name, might actually bring you closer to the fullness of its meaning.  

Home is a word and a destination and a goal.  Home is a place I’ve left and returned to many times.  It is the place where Dorothy and Alice and that kid in the Phantom Tollbooth are all ultimately trying to find.  It is the same word, but coming and going, it takes on different meanings and a new set of emotions.  The location of my home has also changed several times.  But every time I leave and every time I come back, where ever it is, I become more familiar with home.  And I come to know its location within myself better too.   

(A House Is Not A Home- Shirley Bassey)


I’m back to my junk drawer.  With the sun in Taurus and a New Moon imminent in the same sign, I thought I would return to a tangible and earthy theme: physical objects, discoveries in my top left drawer which may also be helpful tools in the navigation of your week.  

To read your personal Tarotscope for your zodiac sign click HERE.

TAROTSCOPES for the week of 05/07/15


IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO SUBSCRIBERS:  Due to technical and logistical challenges from traveling, last week and this weeks INDIVIDUAL TAROTSCOPES have not/ will not be posted.  This will not in ANY way effect your subscription, you will be given an additional two weeks of TAROTSCOPES to make up for these two weeks.  Next week TAROTSCOPES will be posted as usual.


Venus in Gemini moves into Cancer today as I'm writing this.  Both Venus and Mercury are out of bounds meaning they are not playing by the normal rules, they have strayed from sun's corral.  In the freedom-loving sign Gemini, these planets tend to play by their own rules already, but out of bounds these tendencies may be exacerbated.  Anne Ortelee in her Weekly Weather podcast said that Venus in Gemini presents us with options, and perhaps ones we wouldn't have thought of had Venus not been out of bounds.  Venus behaves drastically differently in Cancer than she does cruising through air sign, Gemini.  In water Venus is deeply intimate and desires physical proximity and comfort, but Cancer

( sign of the Crab, is protective of its vulnerability and under normal circumstances approaches intimacy slowly, only expressing the extent of its emotions when it feels it is safe to do so or when it is certain of anothers' feelings.  But Venus is still out of bounds and so the Crab's normal comfort zone may have a very different boundary or perhaps none at all.  Intimacies with strangers may be more possible. 

In Los Angeles it is easy  to feel lonely or isolated.  Everything is spread out and that space is typically navigated by car so you have to plan to meet someone you know if you are craving a familiar face.  A while ago I had spent a day or two entirely alone, which in the beginning had felt like a rare stolen moment, but towards the end started to feel empty.  I had made a plan to meet my friend at an art opening, but when I got to the museum it was dark and the courtyard was empty except for one guard who was walking slowly back and forth between two pillars.  I asked him when the museum had closed and we struck up a conversation.   I realized we both were desiring a human presence and as I left I said, "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow," as though we were old friends or neighbors. 

Astrologically speaking, with several planets in fire and air or out of bounds, things are moving very fast this week.  Mercury, however, is slowing down in preparation to go retrograde.  The other day at the bank I got trapped in a hallway behind a man who was walking with a cane in one hand and leaning on a woman I assume was his wife with the other.  There was no way around them so I tried to match my pace with theirs.  The back of his shirt had one word printed across it, "Speed".  I thought about how he was moving as fast as he could, about how different our speeds were.  This week may feel this way, stop and start, moving at another's pace or trying to move faster to accommodate someone else's desire to go faster. 

The Queens of Cups, the card as well as the astrological weather this week asks us to choose love, as the path through every difficulty or ending or transition.  Walking in Manhattan the other day I saw some graffiti on a temporary wall that said, "Don't talk to yourself, talk to the moon".  With Venus in Cancer, the sign ruled by the moon this may be a very important conversation to have.  The moon is the unknown, the mysterious, the emotional.  Practice speaking to these parts of yourself and your situation this week.

(Tom's Diner- Suzanne Vega)